Language identifiers, CCSIDs, and locales

Language identifiers are used to tag difference languages that Content Manager OnDemand supports.

The information can help you determine the language identifier and locale to use when creating a Content Manager OnDemand server instance. An instance can be created in any language, even if that language is not installed for IBM i. The table does not provide a complete list of all language identifiers, CCSIDs, or locales.

Table 1. Supported language identifiers, CCSIDs, and locales
Language Identifier Country or region CCSID Locale
CHS China 1388 ZH_CN
HRV Croatia 1153 HR_HR_E
CZE Czech Republic 1153 CS_CZ_E
DAN Denmark 1142 DA_DK
ARA Egypt 420 AR_AA
FIN Finland 1143 FI_FI
FRA France 1147 FR_FR
DEU Germany 1141 DE_DE
ELL Greece 4971 EL_GR
HUN Hungary 1153 HU_HU_E
ITA Italy 1144 IT_IT
JPN Japan 5035 JA_5035
KOR Korea 933 KO_KR
NLD Netherlands 1140 NL_NL
NOR Norway 1142 NO_NO_E
PLK Poland 1153 PL_PL_E
PTB Brazil 37 PT_BR
RUS Russia 1025 RU_RU
SKY Slovakia 1153 SK_SK
SLO Slovenia 1153 SL_SI
ESP Spain 1145 ES_ES
SVE Sweden 1143 SV_SE
CHT Taiwan 937 ZH_TW
ENU United States 37 EN_US
  • For a Japanese language instance, the instance must be created with CCSID 5035 and locale JA_5035. Using a CCSID and locale combination that only supports uppercase characters causes unreadable Content Manager OnDemand messages in the System Log.
  • The Czech language code in IBM i is CSY; the Czech language code in Content Manager OnDemand is CZE.