ShowWaitCursorDuringCancelableOperation method

During cancelable operations, Content Manager OnDemand normally displays a wait cursor.

short ShowWaitCursorDuringCancelableOperation(
boolean Show )
If zero, indicates that Content Manager OnDemand should not display a wait cursor during SearchFolder or OpenDoc operations. If non-zero, indicates that a wait cursor should be displayed. This is the default behavior.
If an application provides a cancel button or similar facility to allow the user to initiate a cancel, it might be desirable to prevent this display. This allows the application to show its own cursor, such as an hourglass and arrow, to tell the user that a cancel can be requested.
Return Value
Refer to return codes.
See Also
CancelOperation method

C/C + +

The following example causes a wait cursor not to be displayed during a cancelable operation.
 CArsOle * pArsCtrl;
 pArsCtrl->ShowWaitCursorDuringCancelableOperation( FALSE );

Visual Basic

 ArsOle.ShowWaitCursorDuringCancelableOperation (False)