GetFolderSearchFieldNames method

This method is intended for use with C/C++.

short GetFolderSearchFieldNames(
IUnknown * pNames,
short MaxNames )
Points to an array of ArsOleNamess to receive the names of the search fields for the active folder. The array must have at least MaxNames elements.
Specifies the maximum number of names to be returned.
The names of the search fields for the active folder, up to a maximum of MaxNames, are returned in pNames. Each name is a null-terminated character string.

GetFolderSearchFieldName or GetFolderSearchFieldNames can be used to retrieve the folder search field names. An application should use the one which is more convenient in its environment.

Return Value
Refer to return codes.
See Also
GetNumFolderSearchFields, GetFolderSearchFieldName, SetFolderSearchFieldData, and SearchFolder methods

C/C + +

The following example retrieves the names of the active folder search fields, gives a user the opportunity to set the values for these fields, and initiates a search of the folder.
 CArsOle * pArsCtrl;
 ArsOleName * pNames;
 CListBox * pFieldList, * pOprList;
 CEdit * pValue1, * pValue2;
 char name[ sizeof( ArsOleName ) ];
 char value1[ sizeof( ArsOleValue ) ];
 char value2[ sizeof( ArsOleValue ) ];
 short rc, j, opr, num_fields;
 VARIANT vari;
 struct _OprMap
   short  code;
   char * pText;
 } OprMap
 static OprMap Oprs[] =
   { { ARS_OLE_OPR_EQUAL,                  "Equal" },
     { ARS_OLE_OPR_NOT_EQUAL,              "Not Equal" },
     { ARS_OLE_OPR_LIKE,                   "Like" },
     { ARS_OLE_OPR_NOT_LIKE,               "Not Like" } };

 #define NUM_OPRS  ( sizeof(Oprs) / sizeof(OprMap) )

 // During dialog initialization:

 rc = pArsCtrl->GetNumFolderSearchFields( &vari );
 if ( rc != ARS_OLE_RC_SUCCESS )
 num_fields = var.iVal;

 pNames = new ArsOleName[ max( num_fields, 1 ) ];
 rc = pArsCtrl->GetFolderSearchFieldNames( (IUnknown*)pNames, num_fields );
 if ( rc != ARS_OLE_RC_SUCCESS )

 for ( j = 0; j < num_fields; j++ )
   pFieldList->InsertString( -1, pNames[j] );
 pFieldList->SetCurSel( 0 );

 for ( j = 0; j < NUM_OPRS; j++ )
   pOprList->InsertString( -1, Oprs[j].pText );
   pOprList->SetItemData( j, (DWORD)Oprs[j].code );
 pOprList->SetCurSel( 0 );
 // During SET FIELD button processing:

 pFieldList->GetText( pFieldList->GetCurSel( ), name );
 opr = (short)pOprList->GetItemData( pOprList->GetCurSel( ) );
 pValue1->GetWindowText( value1, sizeof(value1) );
 pValue2->GetWindowText( value2, sizeof(value2) );

 rc = pArsCtrl->SetFolderSearchFieldData( name, opr, value1, value2 );
 if ( rc != ARS_OLE_RC_SUCCESS )
 // During OK button processing:

 rc = pArsCtrl->SearchFolder( FALSE );
 if ( rc != ARS_OLE_RC_SUCCESS )