Defining multi-key indexes

Multi-key indexes can be used when an index value occurs multiple times within a single document. For example, invoices might have invoice number, customer number, and customer name defined as the first three index fields, each occurring once within a given invoice. Then you might also want to define item number as a multi-key index, since there might be multiple item numbers within one invoice. With multi-key support, an end-user could search by item number to find any invoice for a given item number, no matter where that item number appeared in the list of invoiced items. Without the multi-key capability, only the first item number on the page would be indexed.

To enable multi-key indexing, the keyword ALLOWMULTIPLEVALUES=YES must be added to each INDEX statement that is to have multiple values captured per document. For example:

The keyword would be added to the Content Manager OnDemand Application definition. Go to the Indexer Information tab, then click on Keyboard and then Modify to edit the Application's Indexer Parameters. Keyword ALLOWMULTIPLEVALUES is only valid when BREAK=NO. Also note that unlike the Content Manager OnDemand Spool File Archive multi-key rule, defining an index as multi-key does not require all subsequent index fields to also be defined as multi-key. In a Common Server environment, as is shown in the example, you can define an index as multi-key and then define another one below it that is not multi-key. However, a field used for a multi-key index must be found on or below the row containing the float trigger used to locate that field.