Content Manager OnDemand overview

A Content Manager OnDemand system can support small office environments and large enterprise installations with hundreds of system users.

Content Manager OnDemand can dramatically improve productivity and customer service in many businesses by providing fast access to information stored in the system.

Content Manager OnDemand processes the output of application programs, extracts index fields from the data, stores the index information in a relational database, and stores one or more copies of the data in the system. With Content Manager OnDemand, you can archive newly created and frequently accessed data on high speed, disk storage volumes and automatically migrate them to other types of storage volumes as they age.

Content Manager OnDemand fully integrates the capabilities of Advanced Function Presentation (AFP), including management of resources, indexes, and annotations, and supports full fidelity reprinting and faxing of documents to devices attached to a workstation or Content Manager OnDemand server.

Content Manager OnDemand provides administrators with tools to manage Content Manager OnDemand servers, and authorize users access to Content Manager OnDemand servers and data stored in the system.

Content Manager OnDemand provides users the ability to view documents, print, email, and fax copies of documents, and attach electronic notes to documents.

Some of the advantages that Content Manager OnDemand offers include:
  • Easily locate data without specifying the exact date it was created
  • Retrieve the pages of the report that you need without processing the entire report
  • View selected data from within a report
Content Manager OnDemand can provide you with an information management tool that can increase your effectiveness when working with customers.
Content Manager OnDemand does the following:
  • Integrates data created by application programs into an online, electronic information archive and retrieval system
  • Provides the controlled and reliable access to all of an organization's data
  • Retrieves the data that you need when you need it
  • Provides a standard, intuitive client with features such as thumbnails, bookmarks, notes, and shortcuts
These features mean that Content Manager OnDemand can help you quickly retrieve the specific data that you need to provide fast customer service.