Logon As (Tree)

About this task

If the Content Manager OnDemand system is configured for Unified Logon and you are running the administrative client software under Windows, then Content Manager OnDemand attempts to log on to the server using the Windows logon account user name. If the Windows logon account user name exists in the Content Manager OnDemand user table, the unified logon is successful. Otherwise, Content Manager OnDemand opens the Logon window and you must type a valid Content Manager OnDemand userid and password to continue. See the Installation and Configuration Guide for more information about Unified Logon.

If you need to log on to a Windows server with an Content Manager OnDemand userid that is different than the Windows logon account user name, you must use the Logon As command. To access the Logon As command, point to the server and click the right mouse button. If you are currently logged on to the server, you must log off the server before you can select the Logon As command.