From the pop-up menu, select New File to open the
Add a File window.
Type the name of the data
distribution file in the space provided.
In the Information field, type descriptive information about the
data distribution file.
In the File Sections area, add items to be included in the data
distribution image. For example, to add a user, select Users and click Add
to open the Add a User window. Expand the User ID list to show all of the
users defined on the library server. Select the userid from the list. Optionally
type a password for the user. Click OK to add the user. The userid is listed
in the Users section. To remove an item, select, and if necessary, expand
the section. Select the item. Click Remove.
When you have finished organizing your sections and adding items,
click OK to save the data distribution file in the database.
What to do next
If you need to make changes to the contents of the data distribution
file, use the update command. You can add and remove items from sections and
alter the properties of items.