Mapping AFP Fonts

The Viewer needs to map the AFP fonts your document was created with to fonts that can be displayed on your workstation. For the Viewer to map the best matching outline fonts to display your AFP document, it needs to know certain characteristics about the fonts that were used to create your document.

Mapping AFP fonts to outline fonts is done with the IBM-supplied font definition files installed as part of the Viewer. These files are loaded into the FONT directory you specified when you installed the Viewer. You can edit them using any workstation editor. The shipped version of the font definition files maps the IBM Core Interchange (Latin only), compatibility, coordinated, Sonoran, and Data1 fonts for you.

If your document uses an AFP font whose family (familyname) is not installed on your workstation, you can use the ALIAS.FNT file (one of the font definition files installed with the Viewer) to substitute that font familyname with a different one. The ALIAS.FNT file remaps several of the AFP fonts to IBM Core Interchange fonts. If you have any outline fonts installed on your workstation, you might want to remove or comment out the font familyname substitutions in the ALIAS.FNT file. If you are using TrueType fonts, you must use the ALIAS.FNT file to map the font name.

The IBM Core Interchange fonts (shipped with AFP Workbench for Windows) are in Type 1 outline format. These fonts are delivered in three type families: Times New Roman, Helvetica, and Courier. Each type family is provided in these character set groups:
The Latin group is available in 4 typefaces: roman medium, roman bold, italic medium, and italic bold.
The Symbols group is available in 2 typefaces: roman medium and roman bold.

Because the IBM Core Interchange fonts are also available for printing with Version 2 of PSF/MVS, PSF/VM and PSF/VSE; and PSF/6000 they help standardize fonts across applications and installations.

If you created your documents with only the unmodified IBM fonts, you will not need to remap fonts to use the Viewer.