Sample programming exits (Multiplatforms)

Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms provides several sample programming exits to assist you in customizing ACIF.

On AIX®, the sample programs are in /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/exits/acif. On Linux, the sample programs are in /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/exits/acif. On Windows, the sample programs are in \Program Files\IBM\OnDemand\V10.5\exits\acif. The compiled programs do not have to be placed into any specific directory; they only have to match the directory specified on the ACIF exit parameter: INPEXIT, OUTEXIT, INDXEXIT, RESEXIT.


Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms provides compiled versions of the sample user exit programs. If you make changes to the sample user exit programs or create your own user exit programs, you must compile them before the programs can be used by ACIF.

Because the header files for the user exit programs can change between releases and fix packs, you should recompile all user exit programs after upgrading the ACIF component of Content Manager OnDemand. Failure to do so might cause unexpected results when indexing data with ACIF.

Use of the programming exits is optional.

Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms provides the following ACIF sample exits:
Input record exit
Index record exit
Output record exit
Resource exit
In addition, Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms provides the following ACIF user input record exits to translate input data streams:
Converts ASCII stream data to EBCDIC stream data.
Converts unformatted ASCII data that contains carriage returns and form feeds into a record format that contains an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) carriage control character. This exit encodes an ANSI carriage control character in byte 0 (zero) of every record.
Converts unformatted ASCII data into a record format as does asciinp.c, and then converts the ASCII stream data to EBCDIC stream data.

The apkexits.h C language header file for all ACIF exit programs is also provided.