arsodfxm parameters

The following table shows the parameters for the arsodfxm user exit program.

Table 1. arsodfxm parameters
arsodfxm parameter Size* Explanation
01 ODFMNFST-Parms    
* Input to exit for every function *    
05 ODFMNFST-CURRENT-TIMESTAMP Pointer. Timestamp when the user exit program was called
05 ODFMNFST-RECIPIENT Pointer. Recipient name
05 ODFMNFST-DISTNAME Pointer. Distribution name
05 ODFMNFST-JOBNAME Pointer. Jobname
05 ODFMNFST-REQUEST-TYPE PIC X. Request type - x'01' = manifest header, x'02' = manifest detail
05 ODFMNFST-PRINT-FLAG PIC X. Set by the user exit program - 1 = include manifest information in output, 0 = do not include manifest information in output
05 Reserved PIC X(2). Reserved
* Output from exit for function = H *    
05 ODFMNFST-HEADER-LEN COMP PIC S9(8). Total length of the manifest header; set by the user exit program
05 ODFMNFST-HEADEROUT Pointer. Header information, with a maximum length of 1025
05 Reserved PIC X(3). Reserved
* Input to exit for function = D *    
05 ODFMNFST-REPORTID Pointer. Report ID of the report bundle
05 ODFMNFST-SEQNUM COMP PIC S9(8). Sequence number of the report bundle
05 ODFMNFST-APPLGRP Pointer. Application group name
05 ODFMNFST-APPL Pointer. Application name
05 ODFMNFST-SCHEDTIME Pointer. Timestamp when the distribution was scheduled for processing
05 ODFMNFST-PROCESS-TIME Pointer. Timestamp when the distribution was processed
05 ODFMNFST-REPRINT PIC X. Reprint flag - Y = This is a reprint of a report bundle
05 ODFMNFST-DOC-TYPE PIC X. Document type - x'41' = afp, x'42' = bmp, x'45' = email, x'47' = gif, x'4A' = jfif, x'4B' = djde, x'4C' = line, x'4D' = meta, x'4E' = none, x'4F' = oddoc, x'50' = pcx, x'51' = png, x'52' = pdf, x'53' = scs, x'54' = tiff, x'55' = usrdef, x'58' = scs-ext, x'5A' = xml
05 Reserved PIC X(2). Reserved
05 ODFMNFST-PAGE-COUNT COMP PIC S9(8). Number of pages in the report bundle
05 ODFMNFST-DOC-NOT-FOUND PIC X. Document not found flag - 1 = Document was not found, 0 = Document was found
05 ODFMNFST-SEVERE-ERROR PIC X. Severe error flag - 1 = An error occurred while processing the report bundle, 0 - No error occurred
* Output from exit for function = D *    
10 DETAIL-LINE PIC X(121). Detailed report bundle information to include in the manifest; set by the user exit program
* All parameters with Size defined as Pointer contain the address of a null terminated string that contains the actual parameter value.