System configuration

The system configuration example assumes that an external customer (Customer XYZ) accesses the system by using the Content Manager OnDemand Web Enablement Kit (ODWEK) feature. However, for purposes of demonstrating how the system works and how to use the administrative client to implement the requirements, these users could easily represent another department within the company.

Here are the assumptions about the system:
  • Two groups of users: the customer service department and users at Customer XYZ.
  • A sample telephone bill report. The telephone report is generated by an application program running on an IBM® i system with IBM Content Manager OnDemand installed.
  • Disk storage. When a report is loaded into the system, Content Manager OnDemand stores a copy on disk and maintains the report on disk for 60 days.
  • Archive storage. When a report is loaded into the system, Content Manager OnDemand stores a copy of the report in archive storage. The archive storage manager maintains the report on cloud storage for five years.
  • System parameters. Users must log on to the system with a password. Set the minimum password length to four characters. Accept the defaults for the other system parameters.