Example four: AFP data

This example shows how to create indexing information for an AFP input file that contains Tagged Logical Element (TLE) structured fields.

The AFP document

Begin figure description. This AFP document is a table of contents from a technical manual. End figure description.

ACIF Parameters for the AFP document

/* DATA INPUT/OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS                                              */
CC=YES                                             /* carriage controls present   */
CCTYPE=A                                           /* ANSI controls in EBCDIC     */
CONVERT=YES                                        /* AFP data in the system      */

/* TRIGGER/FIELD/INDEX DEFINITIONS                                                */
/* None when ACIF processes AFP input data containing TLEs                        */

/* INDEXING INFORMATION                                                           */
DCFPAGENAMES=YES                                   /* unique page names           */
UNIQUEBNGS=YES                                     /* unique group names          */
IMAGEOUT=ASIS                                      /* leave images alone          */
INDEXOBJ=ALL                                       /* required for large object   */

/* RESOURCE INFORMATION                                                           */
FORMDEF=F1A10110                                   /* default formdef             */
USERLIB=/opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/pubs/reslib        /* resource library            */
RESTYPE=FDEF,PSEG,OVLY                                    /* collect resources    */

The TLEs in the file contain group-level and page-level index tags. The group-level index information is stored in the database and used to search for and retrieve the file. The page-level index information is stored with the file. The page identifiers can be used to move to a specific page in the file with one of the Content Manager OnDemand client programs. The IBM® Document Composition Facility (DCF) is an example of an application that can create AFP files that contain TLE structured fields. The AFP document shows a page of a sample document viewed with one of the Content Manager OnDemand client programs.

For faster retrieval, the input data should be loaded into the system as Content Manager OnDemand large objects in groups of 20 pages. ACIF Parameters for the AFP document shows the indexer parameters required for ACIF to process the AFP file on a UNIX operating system.