Adding the application group

About this task

Use the New Application Group command to add the application group.


  1. First, point to Application Groups and right-click. From the pop-up menu, select New Application Group.
    The administrative client opens the Add an Application Group dialog box.

    The pages of the Add an Application Group dialog box organize information about the application group into sections. The tabs show which page you are on: General, Message Logging, Storage Management, Permissions, Field Definition, Field Information, and Advanced Index Information.

  2. Start by completing the General page. In the Name field, type the name of the application group.
  3. In the Description field, type up to 120 characters of descriptive information about the application group.
  4. Based on the database requirements, accept the recommended defaults for the rest of the fields on the General page.
    (You can click Advanced to see the default options.)
  5. Select the Message Logging tab to specify the types of application group messages that Content Manager OnDemand should save in the system log.
  6. Select Retrieval, Database Queries, and Server Printing. Clear all of the other check boxes
  7. Select the Storage Management tab to provide information that Content Manager OnDemand uses to manage data stored in the application group.
  8. From the Storage Set Name list, select the name of the storage set that Content Manager OnDemand will use to maintain the report on disk storage and in archive storage. Select the storage set and migration policy that was defined in Adding storage sets.
  9. Under Cache Data, select Cache Data for __ Days and enter 60 in the space provided.
    Content Manager OnDemand should maintain the report on disk storage for 60 days. After that time, when a user views or prints the report, Content Manager OnDemand retrieves the report from archive storage.
  10. Under Life of Data and Indexes, select Expire in ____ Days and enter 1825 in the space provided.
    This is the number of days (1825, or five years) that Content Manager OnDemand should maintain index data, documents, and resources related to the report. After that number of days, Content Manager OnDemand can delete the report from the system. Note that the value for Life of Data and Indexes can be changed even after you have loaded data into Content Manager OnDemand for this application group. If you change this value after you have already loaded data, the change will affect the existing data that is already loaded (if the Expiration Type is set to Load in the application group definition), as well as any new data you load after the change is made.
  11. Use the default Expiration Type of Load
  12. Select the Permissions tab to specify the types of report and application group functions that users can perform.
    For example, you can let users query report data, create logical views, print and fax pages of the report, and maintain the application group. You can specify default permissions and permissions for specific groups and users. Unless you specify otherwise, the person that creates the application group is given all application group permissions; no other users can access report data or maintain the application group. For the example system, other users obtain permissions from a group. The groups were added in Adding the customer service group and Adding the Customer XYZ group.
  13. First, add the customer service group. From the User/Groups list, select +CustomerService.
  14. Select the Access check box.
  15. Click Add.
  16. Next, add the Customer XYZ group. From the User/Groups list, select +CustomerXYZ.
  17. In the Annotation area, clear the View check box.
    Content Manager OnDemand also clears the Add check box. Customer XYZ users can view, print, fax, and copy documents but do not have permission to use the annotation tools provided by Content Manager OnDemand.
  18. Click Add.
  19. Select the Field Definition tab to define the database fields.
  20. For the telephone bill report, define the three database fields: Account number, Customer name, and Report Date
  21. To define a database field, type the name of the field in the Database Field Name field and click Add.
  22. Select the Field Information tab to define the attributes of the database fields.
  23. First, define field information for the Account number field.
    1. From the Type list, select Index
    2. Type the string length: 13

    IBM® recommends that you always define an Application ID field for the application group. An Application ID field is a database field that contains values that identify an application within the application group.

    You might not think that you need an application ID field at the time that you createf your application group, if you are adding an application group that will hold only one application at the current time. However, if you decide later to add other applications to the application group (or if you want to maintain multiple versions of your application definitions) and you then need to define an Application ID field for the application group, you will not be able to do so because an Application ID field cannot be added after the application group is created. (All fields must be added during the original application group definition.) Also note that the application ID field can be hidden from users that do not require it to search for documents. See the online help for more information about the application ID field.

  24. Next, define field information for the Customer name field.
    1. From the Name list, select custname
    2. From the Type list, select Variable
    3. In the Length field, type 30
  25. Next, define field information for the Report date field.
    1. From the Name list, select rdate
    2. From the Data Type list, select Date
    3. Select the Segment check box
  26. At this point, the properties of the application group meet the requirements. Click OK in the Add an Application Group window.
    The administrative client adds the application group to the database and returns to the main window.