Search wildcards
Wildcards are special characters used in searches to represent
letters or numbers that are not explicitly included in the search term. Content Manager OnDemand
uses two wildcards:
- The '_' (underscore) character matches any single letter, number, or special character. For example, if you search on 'Thor_' in a Name field, Content Manager OnDemand returns all documents where the name starts with 'Thor' and includes one other letter, such as 'Thorn' or 'Thora'.
- The '%' (percent) character matches zero or more letters, numbers, or special characters. For example, if you search on '%8891' in an Account Number field, Content Manager OnDemand returns all documents where the account number ends with '8891', regardless of what precedes it.
Important: Wildcards are valid only with the Like and Not
Like operators. They cannot be used with other search operators, such as Greater
Than or Less Than Or Equal To.
Wildcard characters can be inserted anywhere
in the search term.