Content Manager OnDemand permissions
Permissions are the means by which IBM® Content Manager OnDemand determines who can open folders and search for documents stored in application groups. Content Manager OnDemand also uses permissions to determine who can maintain folders and application groups with the administrative client.
By default, only an application group/folder administrator, a system administrator, or the person who adds the folder can open and maintain the folder. By default, only an application group/folder administrator, a system administrator or the person who adds the application group can access data stored in the application group or maintain the application group.
Content Manager OnDemand provides several ways for you to specify permissions. You can specify permissions when you add or update a folder or an application group. You can also add, remove, or update a user's or group's folder or application group permissions when you add or update the user or group.
As both a convenience and security measure, you can assign a user to a group. Content Manager OnDemand groups allow you to organize users by function, authorization, or any other logical grouping that you might require. When you assign a user to a group, the user obtains the permissions that are in effect for the group. For example, suppose that you create a group and authorize the group to open the Student Information folder. Any user that you assign to the group automatically obtains permission to open the Student Information folder. If you assign a user to more than one group, the user normally obtains the permissions of all of the groups. However, there are exceptions. See Specifying permissions for details.
You can specify a default set of permissions for folders and application groups. Content Manager OnDemand uses the default permissions when users and groups do not have specific permissions for the folder or application group. If you specify permissions for a group, then the group permissions take precedence over the default permissions. If you specify permissions for a user, then the user permissions take precedence, regardless of any group that the user might belong to or the default permissions that you specified.