The Start Monitor (STRMONOND) command allows you to specify the name of an output queue or IFS directory to monitor. When a spooled file is added to the output queue or a file is added to an IFS directory, the file is automatically processed by ADDRPTOND if it meets certain criteria as defined in the online help for the STRMONOND command. For example, spooled files must be in Ready (RDY) status to be processed. For monitor type *DIR, files added to IFS directories must end in a .IND or .PDF extension. For monitor type *DIR2, files added to IFS directories must end in a .ARD extension. For monitor type *DIR3, files added to IFS directories must end in a .AFP, .LIN, .LINE, .TXT, or .PDF extension.

Important: Set the proper locale before issuing this command. See the chapter entitled "Defining a locale" in the IBM® Content Manager OnDemand for i Planning and Installation Guide for important details.

The application and application group names for spooled files are determined using spooled file attributes such as spooled file name or user data (or a number of others). You can alter these values that Content Manager OnDemand uses for application and application group by using the monitor user exit program as described in API and user exit reference.

The application and application group names for workstation files are determined by the file name itself. The monitor can use any one of the first four parts of the file name. For example, a file name of CHECKSTMTS.BIGSTMTS.pdf might be used to archive an application named CHECKSTMTS into an application group named BIGSTMTS.

After the STRMONOND command has processed an input file, message number 87 will be written to the System Log and System Load folders if the loading of data was successful; message 88 will be written to the System Log folder if the data loading failed.

You can end the monitor by:
  • Specifying a method for the monitor to end automatically.
  • Running the ENDMONOND command.
  • Ending the monitor job using the ENDJOB command. Specify OPTION(*CNTRLD) and DELAY(999999). The job will end as soon as the monitor finishes processing the current file.
  • Specifying to limit the number of errors that can occur before the monitor ends. The monitor job ends as soon as the maximum number of consecutive or total errors occur.