Displaying triggers, fields, and indexes


To display triggers, fields, and indexes:

  1. Click the Display and Add Parameters icon on the toolbar to verify the indexing information.
    When you click the icon, the graphical indexer changes to display mode. The triggers and fields are highlighted.
  2. Scroll through pages of the report to verify that they appear in the correct location on all pages.
    When you finish, click the Display and Add Parameters icon to return to add mode.
  3. Click the Select Trigger, Index, Field Parameters icon on the toolbar to open the Select dialog box.
    By using this dialog box, you can display and maintain trigger, index, and field information.
    For example, click Field1 to highlight the area of the report where the field was defined.
  4. Click Field1 again to highlight the area on the next page.
  5. Click Field2 to highlight the field in the report.
  6. Click Index1 and then click Properties to open the Update an Index dialog box. Click Cancel.
  7. Click Trigger1 and then click Properties to open the Update a Trigger dialog box.
  8. Click Cancel. Close the Select dialog box.