Adding or updating a file
About this task
The Add a File window allows you to add a file to the Files section of the data distribution file. The Update a File window allows you to update a file entry.
A file identifies a user-defined file (or directory of files) to be included in the data distribution image. The source files must reside on the PDD server. To process all of the files that reside in a directory, type the directory name in the space provided and in the File Type area, select Directory.
Options and Commands
File ID. An identifier for the file. IBM recommends that you use the default provided. To use your own identifier, type an ID in the space provided. The ID must be unique to the data distribution file. After you add a file to the Files section of the data distribution file, you cannot change the ID.
File Type. Determines whether the Source identifies a file or a directory. Choose File, if the Source identifies a file. Choose Directory, if the Source identifies a directory. If you choose Directory, Content Manager OnDemand moves through the specified directory recursively, processing all files.
Source. The full path or file name of the file or files you want to include in the data distribution image. The Source must identify a file name or directory on the PDD server (for example /tmp/userdefined).
Destination. The full path name of the directory in which you want Content Manager OnDemand to place the source file or files. The Destination must identify a CD-ROM directory name (for example, \misc).
OK. Add or update the file and close the File window.
Cancel. Close the File window and not add or update the file.
Help. Open the online help for the File window.