The LINEOFFSET parameter specifies whether to take the carriage control values into account when determining the number of lines to move up or down from the line that contains the trigger value.

The FIELD indexing parameter is used to locate index values in the load file. It points to a TRIGGER parameter that defines a string value in the load file to be used as a reference point to locate the index value. The FIELD parameter includes a record value that specifies the offset from the trigger value to the record that contains the index value. This record (or offset) value counts the number of lines to move up or down, from the record that contains the trigger value to get to the line that contains the index value.

Specifying LINEOFFSET=ASREAD indicates that the carriage control is not to be considered when counting lines. The lines are counted as they appear in the load file.

Specifying LINEOFFSET=ASPRINTED indicates that the carriage control is to be considered while counting lines.

Only the 0 (space two lines) and the dash (space three lines) are supported. The + (overstrike) character is not supported. Any carriage control values other than those supported are treated, for the purpose of determining record offset values, the same as the "Space one line" action.

The following examples show the first three records of a load file.
-ACCOUNT 777777
Using ASREAD (the default), the indexing parameters to collect the account number and name would be as follows:
Using ASPRINTED, the indexing parameters to collect the account number and name would be as follows:

The LINEOFFSET parameter is ignored when INDEXSTYLE=AFP is specified or when an ANYSTORE exit is used.



Options and values

The values can be:

Carriage controls are not used to calculate the record offsets for the fields. The offsets are relative to the lines as they are read from the load file. This value is the default if the LINEOFFSET parameter is not specified or an invalid value is specified.
Carriage controls are used to calculate the record offsets for the fields. The offsets are relative to the line spacing that occurs when the lines are printed.