Testing the YAML file and running playbooks

The following commands must be run from /opt/ibm/appliance/platform/apos-comms/customer_network_config/ansible directory. Follow the steps that apply to your system version. and later 1.0.7.x versions

  1. Test the yml and playbooks:
    ANSIBLE_HASH_BEHAVIOUR=merge ansible-playbook -i ./System_Name.yml  playbooks/house_config.yml --check -v
    If any changes are listed in --check --v, ensure that they are expected. If they are unexpected, you must edit the YAML file so that it contains only the expected changes. When you run the playbook in the next step, these changes will take effect.
    Note: When running this command in any of the following cases:
    • no DNS setup (initial installation)
    • DNS servers being changed
    • switch/IP networks being changed
    the command might fail with errors similar to:
    TASK [Attempt to reach FQDN from inside VM] ****************************************************************************************************************************
    fatal: [node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ssh apphub.fbond \"ping -c 3 gt04-app.swg.usma.ibm.com\"", "delta": "0:00:00.466787", "end": "2020-07-09 21:51:33.311372", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 2, "start": "2020-07-09 21:51:32.844585", "stderr": "\nping: gt04-app.swg.usma.ibm.com: Name or service not known", "stderr_lines": ["", "ping: gt04-app.swg.usma.ibm.com: Name or service not known"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
    TASK [Check FQDN result] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
    fatal: [node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to reach FQDN gt04-app.swg.usma.ibm.com"}
    You can ignore these errors and continue with the procedure.
  2. Run the following playbook to configure the nodes and switches:
    ANSIBLE_HASH_BEHAVIOUR=merge ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/var/log/appliance/platform/apos-comms/house_setup.log ansible-playbook -i ./System_Name.yml  playbooks/house_config.yml -

  1. Test the yml and playbooks:
    ANSIBLE_HASH_BEHAVIOUR=merge ansible-playbook -i ./System_Name.yml  playbooks/house_config.yml --check -v
    If any changes are listed in --check --v, ensure that they are expected. If they are unexpected, you must edit the YAML file so that it contains only the expected changes. When you run the playbook in the next step, these changes will take effect.
    Note: When running this command in any of the following cases:
    • no DNS setup (initial installation)
    • DNS servers being changed
    • switch/IP networks being changed
    the command might fail with errors similar to:
    TASK [Attempt to reach FQDN from inside VM] ****************************************************************************************************************************
    fatal: [node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ssh apphub.fbond \"ping -c 3 gt04-app.swg.usma.ibm.com\"", "delta": "0:00:00.466787", "end": "2020-07-09 21:51:33.311372", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 2, "start": "2020-07-09 21:51:32.844585", "stderr": "\nping: gt04-app.swg.usma.ibm.com: Name or service not known", "stderr_lines": ["", "ping: gt04-app.swg.usma.ibm.com: Name or service not known"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
    TASK [Check FQDN result] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
    fatal: [node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to reach FQDN gt04-app.swg.usma.ibm.com"}
    You can ignore these errors and continue with the procedure.
  2. Run the following playbook to configure the nodes:
    ANSIBLE_HASH_BEHAVIOUR=merge ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/var/log/appliance/platform/apos-comms/house_setup.log ansible-playbook -i ./System_Name.yml  playbooks/house_config.yml
  3. If NPS is installed, run the following commands:
    1. /usr/bin/docker exec ipshost1 su - nz -c nzstop
    2. ap apps disable VDB
    3. ANSIBLE_HASH_BEHAVIOUR=merge ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/var/log/appliance/platform/apos-comms/house_setup.log ansible-playbook -i System_Name.yml /opt/ibm/appliance/platform/apos-comms/customer_network_config/ansible/playbooks/set_switch.yml
    4. Run the manual steps as described in https://supportcontent.ibm.com/support/pages/configuring-switches-system-nps-nodes.
    5. ap apps enable VDB
    If NPS is not installed, run the following command to configure the switches:
    ANSIBLE_HASH_BEHAVIOUR=merge ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/var/log/appliance/platform/apos-comms/house_setup.log ansible-playbook -i System_Name.yml /opt/ibm/appliance/platform/apos-comms/customer_network_config/ansible/playbooks/set_switch.yml

pre- versions

  1. Test the yml and playbooks:
    ANSIBLE_HASH_BEHAVIOUR=merge ansible-playbook -i ./System_Name.yml  playbooks/house_config.yml --check -v
    If any changes are listed in --check --v, ensure that they are expected. If they are unexpected, you must edit the YAML file so that it contains only the expected changes. When you run the playbook in the next step, these changes will take effect.
    Note: When running this command in any of the following cases:
    • no DNS setup (initial installation)
    • DNS servers being changed
    • switch/IP networks being changed
    the command might fail with errors similar to:
    TASK [Attempt to reach FQDN from inside VM] ****************************************************************************************************************************
    fatal: [node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ssh apphub.fbond \"ping -c 3 gt04-app.swg.usma.ibm.com\"", "delta": "0:00:00.466787", "end": "2020-07-09 21:51:33.311372", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 2, "start": "2020-07-09 21:51:32.844585", "stderr": "\nping: gt04-app.swg.usma.ibm.com: Name or service not known", "stderr_lines": ["", "ping: gt04-app.swg.usma.ibm.com: Name or service not known"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
    TASK [Check FQDN result] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
    fatal: [node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to reach FQDN gt04-app.swg.usma.ibm.com"}
    You can ignore these errors and continue with the procedure.
  2. Run the following playbook to configure the nodes:
    ANSIBLE_HASH_BEHAVIOUR=merge ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/var/log/appliance/platform/apos-comms/house_setup.log ansible-playbook -i ./System_Name.yml  playbooks/house_config.yml
  3. Run the manual steps as described in https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/cloud-paks/cloudpak-data-system/1.0?topic=configuration-deprecated-manually-configuring-fabric-network-switches
  4. Run the manual steps as described in https://supportcontent.ibm.com/support/pages/configuring-switches-system-nps-nodes