Restarting your cluster

Restart an IBM Cloud Private cluster.

To stop all nodes for your cluster, you need to stop the nodes in the following order:

  1. Worker nodes
  2. Proxy nodes
  3. Management nodes
  4. Master node

To restart all nodes for your cluster, start the nodes in the following order:

  1. Master node
  2. Management nodes
  3. Proxy nodes
  4. Worker nodes

How to stop a IBM Cloud Private cluster node

Use the following commands to stop an individual node for your cluster.

Important: Before you stop the kubelet and docker service on the node, mark the node as unschedulable. Run the following command:

kubectl cordon

Note: Marking the node as unschedulable disables scheduling new pods on the node.

  1. Shut down the system by stopping the kubelet on the target node by running the following command:

    sudo systemctl stop kubelet
  2. Stop the docker containers or the docker runtime by running the following command:

    sudo systemctl stop docker

How to start a IBM Cloud Private cluster node

  1. Restart the Docker by running the following command:

    sudo systemctl start docker
  2. Restart the kubelet and ensure that it started successfully by running the following command:

    sudo systemctl start kubelet
    sudo systemctl status kubelet
  3. If the kubelet service is unsuccessful, view the logs for the kubelet by running the following command:

    sudo journalctl -e -u kubelet
  4. Exit maintenance by running the following command:

    kubectl uncordon