IBM Cloud Private general CLI commands (cloudctl)

Learn about the general cloudctl commands that you can run to access your IBM® Cloud Private cluster.

cloudctl api

cloudctl api - View the API endpoint and API version for the service.


cloudctl api

cloudctl config

cloudctl config - Write default values to the config


cloudctl config [--http-timeout TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS] [--trace true | false | path/to/file] [--color true | false] [--locale (LOCALE | CLEAR)] | --list

   --http-timeout value  Timeout for HTTP requests (default: 60)
   --trace value         Trace HTTP requests
   --color value         Enable or disable color
   --locale value        Set default locale. If LOCALE is CLEAR, previous locale is deleted.
   --list                List all configurations

cloudctl login

cloudctl login - Log user in.


cloudctl login [-a CLUSTER_URL] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-c ACCOUNT_ID or ACCOUNT_NAME] [-n namespace] [--skip-ssl-validation] 

      WARNING:   Providing your password as a command line option is not recommended.
          Your password might be visible to others and might be recorded in your shell history.

      cloudctl login
          To interactively provide your user name and password, omit the user name and password options.
      cloudctl login -u -p pa55woRD
          Specify your username and password as arguments.
      cloudctl login -u -p "my password"
          Use quotation marks (") around passwords that have spaces.
      cloudctl login -u -p "\"password"\"
          If your password contains quotation mark characters (“), use backslash characters (\) to escape them.

   -a value               The URL that you use to access the management console, such as https://<ip_address>:8443.
   -u value               Username
   -p value               Password
   -c value               Account ID or name
   -n value               Namespace
   --skip-ssl-validation  Bypass SSL validation of HTTP requests. This option is not recommended.

cloudctl logout

cloudctl logout - Log user out.


cloudctl logout

cloudctl target

cloudctl target - Set or view the targeted namespace


cloudctl target [-n NAMESPACE]

   --namespace value, -n value  Name of the namespace to target

cloudctl tokens

cloudctl tokens - Display the OAuth tokens for the current session. Run cloudctl login to retrieve the tokens.


cloudctl tokens [ --access | --id ]

   --access, -a  Only print the access token value
   --id, -i      Only print the ID token value

cloudctl version

cloudctl version - Check cli and api version compatibility


cloudctl version