IBM Cloud Private CLI catalog commands (catalog)

Learn about the cloudctl catalog commands that you can run to manage your Helm charts.

cloudctl catalog

cloudctl catalog charts

cloudctl catalog charts - List helm charts of the cluster helm repositories.


cloudctl catalog charts [--repo HELM_REPO_NAME]

   --repo value, -r value  The name of the target helm repository. Run 'cloudctl catalog repos' to list the repositories.
   --json                  Display output in JSON format.
   -s                      Do not show the column headers in the output.

cloudctl catalog create-archive

cloudctl catalog create-archive - Creates a catalog archive files containing Docker images and Helm charts.


cloudctl catalog create-archive --archive ARCHIVE_TO_CREATE [--chart CHART_ARCHIVE_OR_DIR | --spec SPEC_FILE] [--file VALUES_YAML_FILE]
     Before you create the archive, you must set up Docker. See

   --values value, -f value   The path to an optional values.yaml file
   --archive value, -a value  The path to write the archive tgz
   --chart value, -c value    The path to the Helm chart tgz archive or chart directory
   --spec value, -s value     The path to a spec file to create a archive of charts
   --skip-cleanup value       Skip removing of images used during archive creation

cloudctl catalog delete-chart

cloudctl catalog delete-chart - delete-helm-chart Deletes a Helm chart from the IBM Cloud Private internal registry.


cloudctl catalog delete-chart --name HELM_CHART_NAME [--repo HELM_REPO_NAME] [--version HELM_CHART_VERSION]

   --name value, -n value     The name of the helm chart to delete
   --repo value, -r value     The name of the target helm repository. Run 'cloudctl catalog repos' to list the repositories.
   --version value, -v value  The version of the helm chart to delete

cloudctl catalog load-archive

cloudctl catalog load-archive - load-ppa-archive Load Docker images and Helm charts from a catalog archive file.


cloudctl catalog load-archive --archive TGZ_ARCHIVE [--registry REGISTRY] [--repo HELM_REPO_NAME]
    Before you load the archive, you must set up Docker. See

   --archive value, -a value  The path to the archive tgz
   --registry value           The registry that the docker image will be pushed to. Example 'mycluster.icp:8500'
   --repo value, -r value     The name of the target helm repository. Run 'cloudctl catalog repos' to list the repositories.

cloudctl catalog load-chart

cloudctl catalog load-chart - load-helm-chart Loads a Helm chart archive to an IBM Cloud Private cluster.


cloudctl catalog load-chart --archive HELM_CHART_ARCHIVE [--repo HELM_REPO_NAME]
    Before you load a Helm chart, you may need to push your images to the private registry. See

   --archive value, -a value  The path to the compressed file that you downloaded from Passport Advantage.
   --repo value, -r value     The name of the target helm repository. Run 'cloudctl catalog repos' to list the repositories.

cloudctl catalog load-images

cloudctl catalog load-images - Loads Docker images in to an IBM Cloud Private internal Docker registry.


cloudctl catalog load-images --registry REGISTRY [--repo IMAGE_REPO_NAME] [--repo-pattern IMAGE_REPO_REGEXP] [--label IMAGE_LABEL_NAME] [--label-pattern IMAGE_LABEL_REGEXP] [-f]

   --registry value      The host name of the registry to load the images too
   --repo value          The exact name of the repository of the images to load
   --repo-pattern value  The pattern to match the repository of the images to load
   --tag value           The exact name of the label of the images to load
   --tag-pattern value   The pattern to match the label of the images to load
   -f                    Force the load of images with no user prompts

cloudctl catalog repos

cloudctl catalog repos - List helm repositories.


cloudctl catalog repos

   --json  Display output in JSON format.
   -s      Do not show the column headers in the output.