DBX Plug-in

The Plug-in for the AIX® DBX debugger gives DBX users enhanced features when working on Java™ processes or core files generated by Java processes.

The Plug-in requires a version of DBX that supports the Plug-in interface. Use the DBX command pluginload to find out whether your version of DBX has this support. All supported AIX versions include this support.

To enable the Plug-in, use the DBX command pluginload:
pluginload /usr/java/jre/bin/libdbx_j9.so
You can also set the DBX_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable to /usr/java8/jre/bin. DBX automatically loads any Plug-ins found in the path given.
The commands available after loading the Plug-in can be listed by running:
plugin java help
from the DBX prompt.
You can also use DBX to debug your native JNI code by specifying the full path to the Java program as follows:
dbx /usr/java8/jre/bin/java
Under DBX, issue the command:
(dbx) run <MyAppClass>
Before you start working with DBX, you must set the $java variable. Start DBX and use the dbx set subcommand. Setting this variable causes DBX to ignore the non-breakpoint traps generated by the JIT. You can also use a pre-edited command file by launching DBX with the -c option to specify the command file:
dbx -c .dbxinit
where .dbxinit is the default command file.

Although the DBX Plug-in is supplied as part of the SDK, it is not supported. However, IBM® will accept bug reports.