-Dcom.ibm.net.rdma.nativeForkCompatibility (Linux® only)

Specifies whether the Java™ Sockets over RDMA (JSOR) client should connect and synchronize with the native RSockets server before establishing an RDMA connection.

Note: The RDMA implementation is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release of IBM® SDK, Java Technology Edition, Version 8. A possible alternative is the open source Libfabric library.

The -Dcom.ibm.net.rdma.nativeForkCompatibility=true property results in the same behavior as the RDMAV_FORK_SAFE environment variable that is supported by the native RSsocket interface. Use this property when you interact with native applications that export the RDMAV_FORK_SAFE environment variable. The default value is false.

The following examples show the native server and Java client invocations that enable fork compatibility:
  • Server command-line invocation:
    $ export RDMAV_FORK_SAFE=1
    $ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/rsocket/librspreload.so SampleNativeServer <server_args>
    where <server_args> are the native application-specific command-line options.
  • Client command-line invocation:
    $ java -Dcom.ibm.net.rdma.conf=<client.conf>  
    -cp <classpath> SampleClient <client_args>
    • <client.conf> is your client RDMA configuration file.
    • <classpath> specifies your class path.
    • <client_args> are the Java application-specific command-line options.