Uninstalling IBM® z/OS® Package Manager

About this task

Follow these steps to remove IBM z/OS Package Manager from z/OS.

Note: When you remove IBM z/OS Package Manager, any products you installed continue to function as before but you cannot update or remove them by using IBM z/OS Package Manager.

Delete the IBM z/OS Package Manager instance

Complete these steps to delete the IBM z/OS Package Manager instance.

  1. Navigate to Installed Operators and click the IBM Z® and Cloud Modernization Stack - z/OS Package Manager Operator. The Operator details page appears.
  2. Select the z/OS Package Manager tab.
  3. Open the menu next to the custom resource and click Delete ZosPackageManager.
  4. Select Yes when asked Are you sure you want to delete....

Deleting the instance of the IBM z/OS Package Manager custom resource triggers the removal of IBM z/OS Package Manager from z/OS.

A screengrab showing the current z/OS Package Manager instance has been deleted. The surrounding text explains this further.

In a terminal on the z/OS endpoint, you can confirm that IBM z/OS Package Manager has been uninstalled by checking that the package-manager directory has been removed.

A screengrab of the terminal showing that when in the installation directory of z/OS Package Manager and running the  command that the z/OS Package Manager operator is not listed. This is explained further within the surrounding text.