
-importkeystore -srckeystore srckeystore -destkeystore destkeystore {-srcstoretype srcstoretype} {-deststoretype deststoretype} [-srcstorepass srcstorepass] [-deststorepass deststorepass] {-srcprotected} {-destprotected} {-srcalias srcalias {-destalias destalias} [-srckeypass srckeypass] [-destkeypass destkeypass] } {-noprompt} {-srcProviderName src_provider_name} {-destProviderName dest_provider_name} {-providerClass provider_class_name {-providerArg provider_arg}} {-v} {-protected} {-Jjavaoption}

Imports a single entry or all entries from a source keystore to a destination keystore.

When the srcalias option is provided, the command imports the single entry identified by the alias to the destination keystore. If a destination alias is not provided with destalias, then srcalias is used as the destination alias. If the source entry is protected by a password, srckeypass will be used to recover the entry. If srckeypass is not provided, then keytool will attempt to use srcstorepass to recover the entry. If srcstorepass is either not provided or is incorrect, the user will be prompted for a password. The destination entry will be protected using destkeypass. If destkeypass is not provided, the destination entry will be protected with the source entry password.

If the srcalias option is not provided, then all entries in the source keystore are imported into the destination keystore. Each destination entry will be stored under the alias from the source entry. If the source entry is protected by a password, srcstorepass will be used to recover the entry. If srcstorepass is either not provided or is incorrect, the user will be prompted for a password. If a source keystore entry type is not supported in the destination keystore, or if an error occurs while storing an entry into the destination keystore, the user will be prompted whether to skip the entry and continue, or to quit. The destination entry will be protected with the source entry password.

If the destination alias already exists in the destination keystore, the user is prompted to either overwrite the entry, or to create a new entry under a different alias name.

Note that if -noprompt is provided, the user will not be prompted for a new destination alias. Existing entries will automatically be overwritten with the destination alias name. Finally, entries that can not be imported are automatically skipped and a warning is output.