The Signature Class

The Signature class is an engine class designed to provide the functionality of a cryptographic digital signature algorithm such as DSA or RSA with MD5. A cryptographically secure signature algorithm takes arbitrary-sized input and a private key and generates a relatively short (often fixed-size) string of bytes, called the signature, with the following properties:
  • Given the public key corresponding to the private key used to generate the signature, it should be possible to verify the authenticity and integrity of the input.
  • The signature and the public key do not reveal anything about the private key.

A Signature object can be used to sign data. It can also be used to verify whether or not an alleged signature is in fact the authentic signature of the data associated with it. See the Examples section for an example of signing and verifying data.

Signature Object States
Signature objects are modal objects which means that a Signature object is always in a given state, where it can do only one type of operation. States are represented as final integer constants defined in their respective classes.
The three states a Signature object can have are:
  • SIGN

When it is first created, a Signature object is in the UNINITIALIZED state. The Signature class defines two initialization methods, initSign and initVerify, which change the state to SIGN and VERIFY, respectively.

Creating a Signature Object
The first step for signing or verifying a signature is to create a Signature instance. As with all engine classes, the way to get a Signature object for a particular type of signature algorithm is to call the getInstance static factory method on the Signature class:
static Signature getInstance(String algorithm)
Note: The algorithm name is not case-sensitive.
A caller can optionally specify the name of a provider or the Provider class, which will guarantee that the implementation of the algorithm requested is from the named provider:
static Signature getInstance(String algorithm, String provider)
static Signature getInstance(String algorithm, Provider provider)
Initializing a Signature Object

A Signature object must be initialized before it is used. The initialization method depends on whether the object is going to be used for signing or for verification.

If it is going to be used for signing, the object must first be initialized with the private key of the entity whose signature is going to be generated. This initialization is done by calling the method:
final void initSign(PrivateKey privateKey)

This method puts the Signature object in the SIGN state.

If instead the Signature object is going to be used for verification, it must first be initialized with the public key of the entity whose signature is going to be verified. This initialization is done by calling either of these methods:
final void initVerify(PublicKey publicKey)
final void initVerify(Certificate certificate)

This method puts the Signature object in the VERIFY state.

If the Signature object has been initialized for signing (if it is in the SIGN state), the data to be signed can then be supplied to the object by making one or more calls to one of the update methods:
final void update(byte b)
final void update(byte[] data)
final void update(byte[] data, int off, int len)

Calls to the update methods should be made until all the data to be signed has been supplied to the Signature object.

To generate the signature, simply call one of the sign methods:
final byte[] sign()
final int sign(byte[] outbuf, int offset, int len)

The first method returns the signature result in a byte array. The second stores the signature result in the provided buffer outbuf, starting at offset. len is the number of bytes in outbuf allotted for the signature. The method returns the number of bytes actually stored.

Signature encoding is algorithm specific. See Appendix B for more information about the use of ASN.1 encoding in the Java™ Cryptography Architecture.

A call to a sign method resets the signature object to the state it was in when it was previously initialized for signing using a call to initSign. That is, the object is reset and available to generate another signature with the same private key, if desired, using new calls to update and sign.

Alternatively, a new call can be made to initSign specifying a different private key or to initVerify (to initialize the Signature object to verify a signature).

If the Signature object has been initialized for verification (if it is in the VERIFY state), it can then verify if an alleged signature is in fact the authentic signature of the data associated with it. To start the process, the data to be verified (as opposed to the signature itself) is supplied to the object. The data is passed to the object by calling one of the update methods:
final void update(byte b)
final void update(byte[] data)
final void update(byte[] data, int off, int len)
Calls to the update methods should be made until all the data to be verified has been supplied to the Signature object. The signature can now be verified by calling one of the verify methods:
final boolean verify(byte[] signature)
final boolean verify(byte[] signature, int offset, int length)

The argument must be a byte array containing the signature. The argument must be a byte array containing the signature. This byte array would hold the signature bytes that were returned by a previous call to one of the sign methods.

The verify method returns a boolean indicating whether or not the encoded signature is the authentic signature of the data supplied to the update methods.

A call to the verify method resets the signature object to its state when it was initialized for verification using a call to initVerify. That is, the object is reset and available to verify another signature from the identity whose public key was specified in the call to initVerify.

Alternatively, a new call can be made to initVerify specifying a different public key (to initialize the Signature object for verifying a signature from a different entity), or to initSign (to initialize the Signature object for generating a signature).