Uninstalling z/OS Cloud Broker
Uninstalling IBM® z/OS® Cloud Broker involves first deleting the z/OS Cloud Broker instance and then uninstalling the z/OS Cloud Broker Operator.
Important: If you uninstall the z/OS Cloud Broker Operator before you delete the z/OS Cloud Broker instance, the suboperators and other resources installed and managed by the z/OS Cloud Broker Operator will not be uninstalled. You will need to manually uninstall each suboperator and resource.
Ensure that you can access the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster web console using an account with cluster-admin
Log in to the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform web console for your cluster using your
credentials. (See Logging in to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.) -
Delete the z/OS Cloud Broker instance by completing the following steps:
In the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform navigation pane, select Operators > Installed Operators.
From the Projects drop-down list, select the project from which you are deleting the z/OS® resource instance.
In the Name column on the Installed Operators page, select IBM z/OS Cloud Broker.
On the "Operator details" page, select the z/OS Cloud Broker tab.
In the row for the z/OS Cloud Broker instance you wish to delete, select the three dots at the end of the row and then select Delete ZosCloudBroker.
On the "Delete ZosCloudBroker?" dialog box, select Delete.
Step result: The z/OS Cloud Broker instance is removed from the z/OS Cloud Broker tab on the "Operator details" page.
Delete the z/OS Cloud Broker Operator by completing the following steps:
Return to the "Installed Operators" page.
Ensure that the project from which you are uninstalling z/OS Cloud Broker is still selected in the Projects drop-down list.
In the z/OS Cloud Broker Operator row, select the three dots at the end of the row and then select Uninstall Operator.
On the "Uninstall Operator?" dialog box, select Uninstall.
Step result: The z/OS Cloud Broker Operator is removed from the Installed Operators page.
Procedure results
The z/OS Cloud Broker Operator and all of the custom resources managed by the operator are uninstalled.