Standard options
The definitions for the standard options.
For the Eclipse OpenJ9 VM, see OpenJ9 command-line options for information about nonstandard (-X) options.
- -agentlib:<libname>[=<options>]
- Loads a native agent library <libname>; for example -agentlib:jdwp. For more information, specify -agentlib:jdwp=help on the command line.
- -agentpath:libname[=<options>]
- Loads a native agent library by full path name.
- -cp <directories and .zip or .jar files separated by :>(Use ; on Windows systems)
- Sets the search path for application classes and resources. If -classpath and -cp are not used and the CLASSPATH environment variable is not set, the user class path is, by default, the current directory (.).
- -classpath <directories and .zip or .jar files separated by :>(Use ; on Windows systems)
- Sets the search path for application classes and resources. If -classpath and -cp are not used and the CLASSPATH environment variable is not set, the user class path is, by default, the current directory (.).
- -D<property name>=<value>
- Sets a system property.
- -help or -?
- Prints a usage message.
- -javaagent:<jarpath>[=<options>]
- Load a Java™ programming language agent. For more information, see the java.lang.instrument API documentation.
- -jre-restrict-search
- Include user private Java runtime environments in the version search.
- -no-jre-restrict-search
- Exclude user private Java runtime environments in the version search.
- -showversion
- Prints product version and continues.
- -verbose:<option>[,<option>...]
- Enables verbose output. Separate multiple options using commas. The available options are:
- class
- Writes an entry to stderr for each class that is loaded.
- gc
- Writes verbose garbage collection information to stderr. Use -Xverbosegclog (see -Xverbosegclog option in the OpenJ9 user documentation for more information) to control the output.
- jni
- Writes information to stderr describing the JNI services called by the application and JVM.
- sizes
- Writes information to stderr describing the active memory usage settings.
- stack
- Writes information to stderr describing the Java and C stack usage for each thread.
- -version
- Prints product version.
- -version:<value>
- Requires the specified version to run, for example
. - -X
- Prints help on nonstandard options.