Backup and recovery

IBM Z and Cloud Modernization Stack provides facilities to capture information that is needed for a recovery.

Backing up configuration data

Configuration data for z/OS Cloud Broker is stored in the cluster-level etcd data store on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform, so you can back up z/OS Cloud Broker by creating a copy of etcd. However, be aware that, when you back up etcd, you create a copy of all of the data for your cluster, not just the data for z/OS Cloud Broker.

Important icon If you restore a cluster to a previous state by using backed up etcd data, you reverse all of the changes that have occurred across the cluster, not just z/OS Cloud Broker.

For more information, see Backing up etcd External link icon in the Red Hat® documentation.


The guidance for recovery assumes that you have not manually modified the installation of the products directly on the z/OS system. Doing so can lead to orphan conditions.

For information on how to use etcd to perform disaster recovery, see Restoring to a previous cluster state External link icon in the Red Hat® documentation.