Setting your preferences

You can customize the console to work for you.

You can customize your:

Customizing the contents of your home page

You can customize the cards that are displayed on your home page and the links that are displayed in the Quick navigation section.

To customize your home page:

Click the Settings icon:

Changing your profile photo

Your profile photo is displayed next to projects that you create, notifications about actions that you've taken, and more. Your profile photo can make it easier for your coworkers to identify content that you contributed to.

To change your profile photo:

  1. Click your avatar in the toolbar.

  2. Click Profile and settings.

  3. Click the Replace photo icon Screen capture of the Replace photo icon. next to the current image.

  4. Browse for or drag and drop the image that you want to use. The image can be up to 1 MB and must be a JPG or PNG file.

  5. Click Save.

You might need to refresh your browser for the change to take effect.