Business Teams Service maintenance

Learn how to maintain Business Teams Service.

OpenShift must be updated regularly.

  1. To update an OpenShift cluster with Business Teams Service (BTS), run the following command:

     oc edit deployment ibm-bts-operator-controller-manager -n bts-namespace

    where the bts-namespace should be replaced with the name of the namespace where the BTS Custom Resource is installed.

  2. Change replicas property under spec to 0 and save the change.

       replicas: 0

    The BTS operator pod terminates.

  3. Update the BTS PostgreSQL cluster -n bts-namespace.

     oc edit cluster ibm-bts-cnpg-<bts-namespace>-cp4ba-bts

    where the bts-namespace should be replaced with the name of the namespace where the BTS Custom Resource is installed.

  4. Add the nodeMaintenanceWindow property under spec and save the changes.

         inProgress: true
         reusePVC: true
  5. Execute your maintenance commands, for example, drain or uncordon.

     oc edit deployment ibm-bts-operator-controller-manager -n bts-namespace
  6. Change replicas property under spec to 1 and save the changes.

       replicas: 1

    The BTS operator pod overwrites the changed values in the cluster.