does not complete successfully


During the isolated migration process, if the script completes unsuccessfully or does not run, the environment is in an error state due to the default "admin" user being different than expected. In foundational services 3.x, the default admin user is named admin. In foundational services 4.x, the default admin username changed to cpadmin. However, if you are upgrading from foundational services 3.x, the default stays with admin so you do not have to reset its default admin user on upgrade. This is done through the script.

If the script does not complete successfully or does not run for any reason, then it is likely that the admin user will not be carried over and the new installation of foundational services 4.x will default to using cpadmin instead, which causes a mismatch with zen specifically as it still expects admin to be the default. This error will typically manifest through the subsequent zenservice reconcile after the foundational services 4.x upgrade. The zenservice reconcile may hang at 37% with the following error:

5.1.0/roles/0020-core has failed with error: Timeout of waiting for zen-audit, zen-core, zen-core-api, and zen-watcher deployments to be ready

However, a more specific error can be found in the logs of the usermgmt pod:

12/18/2023, 20:07:15 PM - error: GET /v1/internal/user/cpadmin: The asset is not found: user details not found: 404
12/18/2023, 20:07:19 PM - error: GET /v1/user/cpadmin: The asset is not found: user details not found: 404

The zen watcher pod might also be in an error state:

time="2023-12-18 19:57:23" level=error msg=GetUserDetailsByNameInternal func=zen-core-api/source/apis/commonutils.GetUserDetailsByNameInternal file="/go/src/zen-core-api/source/apis/commonutils/usermgmt-util.go:128" body="{\"exception\":\"user details not found\",\"_messageCode_\":\"not_found\",\"message\":\"The asset is not found\",\"_statusCode_\":404}" event="read usermgmt response"
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

It is likely that all three of the preceding errors are present in their respective locations.


To reset the default admin user to use admin instead of cpadmin:

Note: The following might or might not also be required in case of preload not running ahead of time. This script should run the same mongodump and mongorestore processes as preload.

To ensure that that mongo data is properly carried over, go to the case bundle and run the following command:

/backup_restore_mongo/ --bns ibm-common-services --rns <Bedrock 4.x mongo namespace> -b -r -c