Viewing cert-manager resources

Your product Certificate manager service creates five Kubernetes CustomResourceDefinitions (CRD):

  1. Certificate
  2. Issuer
  3. ClusterIssuer
  4. Orders
  5. Challenges

You can use the kubectl command to view these Kubernetes resources.

View the certificates in your cluster

To view all the certificates that are created and managed by your product Certificate manager service, run the following command:

kubectl get certificate --all-namespaces

The command output provides the following information:

Table 1. Command outputs
Header Description
Namespace The namespace where this certificate is located.
Name The name of the certificate.
Ready Whether the certificate is successfully issued and ready for use.
Secret The name of the secret that contains the issued certificate, and private key for the certificate.
Age When the certificate resource was first created in Kubernetes.
Expiration When the certificate expires.

For more information about certificates, see kubectl flags Opens in a new tab.

For example, a kubectl describe gives you more information about the certificate:

kubectl describe certificate <certificate name> -n <certificate namespace>

View the Issuers and ClusterIssuers in your cluster

To view the Issuers or ClusterIssuers available in your cluster, run the following command:

# To view all Issuers
kubectl get issuer --all-namespaces

# To view ClusterIssuers
kubectl get clusterissuer

View the Orders and Challenges in your cluster

Orders and Challenges resources are created to issue ACME HTTP certificates, and are promptly deleted once the domain is verified and the certificate is issued. To view them, run the following command:

# To view all Orders
kubectl get orders --all-namespaces

# To view all Challenges
kubectl get challenges --all-namespaces