Managing business teams

Learn how to manage business teams.

Complete the following steps to manage your business teams.

  1. In a browser, open the following URL: https://cpd-host/teamserver/ui, where cpd-host is your host name.

    To determine the host name, run the following command:

    oc get route cpd
  2. If you are prompted to log in to your account, enter a valid administrator user name and password.

  3. The Team List view is displayed as a table of the first page of existing teams.

    • To filter the list of teams by Display Name, click the magnifier icon, and enter the text to match. To search on a different field, change the search scope from Display Name to Distinguished name, Description or Team ID.
    • To sort the teams by a column field, click the column heading.
    • To edit a team, click on its display name.
    • To delete one or more teams, select the teams, and click Delete selected teams.
    • To copy a team ID to the clipboard, select the team's menu icon then click Copy team ID.
    • To create a new team, click Create a team, go to the Basic Team Data tab, and enter the Display Name, Distinguished Name, and Description.

      • To add users to the team, select the Users tab, then for each user, enter their distinguished user name and click Add.

        On this tab, you can also search for users and add them to the team: Click Search, to open the window, enter at least three characters of the string to enable the Search button then click it. In the search results you can select one or more users then click Add selected to add them to the current team.

      • To add groups to the team, select the Groups tab, then for each group, enter the distinguished group name and click Add.

        On this tab, you can also search for a group by its display name (as defined in the user registry) and add it to the team: Click Search, to open the window, enter at least three characters of the string to enable the Search button then click it. In the search results you can select one or more groups then click Add selected to add them to the current team.

      • To add an existing team to the new team, select the Teams tab, and perform one of the following:

        • If you copied the ID of an existing team (as described earlier), paste the team ID and click Add.
        • On this tab, you can also search for existing teams and add them to the team: Click Search, to open the window, enter at least three characters of the string to enable the Search button then click it. In the search results you can select one or more teams then click Add selected to add them to the current team.
      • When you are finished, click Save to save the updates and exit or click Save and Back to save the updates and remain in the editor so that you can make further changes or to validate that the users or groups in a modified team exist in the user registry.

      • After saving any changes, you can validate that the users or groups in a team exist in the user registry, by clicking Validate on the Users or Groups tab. The results are indicated by check mark icons in the list of users or groups next to those that were verified to exist in the user registry.

      • To display all team members, including those that are in member groups and teams, select the All Users tab and click Load all. The members of the team are calculated and displayed in a table with the following details for each member:

        • Display name
        • Distinguished user name
        • User name
        • Email