Storage options

You can use any storage provider that OpenShift Container Platform supports.

Note: For more information about storage planning, see the specific IBM Cloud Pak documentation. For more information about foundational services storage support, refer to the following sections.

OpenShift Container Platform storage options

For more information about the storage providers that OpenShift Container Platform supports, see the OpenShift documentation:

For the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services installer versions on which these OpenShift Container Platform versions are supported, see Supported OpenShift versions and platforms.

Storage options for IBM Cloud Pak foundational services

See the following notes:

The storage providers that are verified for use with IBM Cloud Pak foundational services are marked in the All foundational services row in Table 1. Storage options. All foundational services, except the ones that have specific requirements or storage options, can use these storage providers. If you plan to use NFS, see NFS support and configuration in IBM Cloud Pak foundational services.

Storage options for foundational services

Important: The following table includes storage providers that allow you to provision persistent volumes for use by your product. There is no guarantee that all features of a storage provider, such as snapshot-based backup and restore of the volumes, are supported.

Table 1. Storage options
Service Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP Opens in a new tab (backendType: ontap-nas) Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Opens in a new tab Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) Opens in a new tab Azure Disk Opens in a new tab Azure NetApp Files NetApp Trident GCE Persistent Disk Opens in a new tab IBM Cloud Block Storage at Gold level Opens in a new tab IBM Cloud File Storage at Gold level Opens in a new tab IBM Spectrum Fusion Opens in a new tab IBM Spectrum Scale Opens in a new tab Network File System (NFS) Opens in a new tab Portworx Opens in a new tab Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation Opens in a new tab Rook Ceph Block Storage Opens in a new tab VMWare vSphere Opens in a new tab
foundational services
x x
See Amazon EFS storage support for foundational services and NFS subdir external provisioner on AWS Elastic File System
x x x x x x x x x x x x
IM x x x
See Amazon EFS storage support for foundational services and NFS subdir external provisioner on AWS Elastic File System
x x x x x x x x x x x x
Platform UI
x x x x x x x
(Container Native)
x x x
(Red Hat Ceph Storage)
Events x x x x x x x x x
(only with Block Storage)
x x
License Service Reporter x x x x x x x
(Red Hat Ceph Storage)

Important: Some foundational services services have specific requirements or storage options. The options are marked in the Table 1. Storage options.

The following foundational services can be used only with specific storage providers as indicated in Table 1. Storage options:

The following foundational services can be used with any storage provider that is verified for use with foundational services. However, these services have specific requirements.

Amazon EFS storage support for foundational services

To use Amazon EFS with foundational services, do the following steps:

  1. Create the Amazon EFS storage.

  2. Find the uid and gid on the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) cluster for the namespace where you deployed the foundational services.

    oc get project <name of the storageclass> -o yaml

    See the following sample output: 1000770000/10000.

    Where 1000770000 is the gid range. 1000770000/10000.

    Where 1000770000 is the uid range.

  3. Edit Parameters section in the efs-sc storage class to add the uid and gid values for the namespace where you deployed the foundational services.

    For example:

    Name:                  efs-sc
    IsDefaultClass:        Yes
    Parameters:            basePath=/dynamic_provisioning,directoryPerms=777,fileSystemId=fs-0e85126ea1cc0ae5c,gid=1000770000,provisioningMode=efs-ap,uid=1000770000
    AllowVolumeExpansion:  <unset>
    MountOptions:          <none>
    ReclaimPolicy:         Delete
    VolumeBindingMode:     Immediate
    Events:                <none>

    Note: The uid and gid values are different for each namespace where you deployed the foundational services. Ensure that you create a different EFS storage class for each namespace.

NFS subdir external provisioner on Amazon EFS

To use Amazon EFS with foundational services, configure NFS subdir external provisioner on your Amazon EFS.

  1. Install and configure the AWS EFS CSI (Container Storage Interface) Driver Operator in your cluster.

  2. Create the AWS EFS StorageClass.

  3. Enable dynamic provisioning for AWS EFS.

  4. Deploy NFS Subdir External Provisioner to your cluster. Complete steps 1 - 6.

NFS support and configuration in IBM Cloud Pak foundational services

You must use one of the following enterprise-grade NFS providers:

Note: It is your responsibility to secure the NFS storage.

NFS in non-production environment

You can use NFS in production and non-production environments. It is ideal to use a separate NFS server for each environment.

For more information about setting up your OpenShift Container Platform clusters with persistent storage by using NFS, see Kubernetes NFS Subdir External Provisioner Opens in a new tab.

Minimum requirements for NFS configuration in non-production and production environments

The following list shows the minimum requirements for the NFS configuration in both non-production and production environments.