Preloading Mongo data
Before you begin
If this procedure failed previously, clean up any resources that were created from this procedure (for example, jobs and statefulsets).
This procedure copies foundational services MongoDB data from the one namespace to a new namespace that does not have foundational services installed yet. The intention is to preload the data into the new namespace in preparation for a new foundational services installation so that the new installation has the same data.
Ensure that the foundational services mongodb-operator exists in the source namespace, otherwise there is no data to back up and preload.
Create the following ConfigMap in the target namespace in preparation to initialize the temporary MongoDB.
For icp-mongodb-init.yaml:
kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: icp-mongodb-init labels: database icp-mongodb operator icp-mongodb common-services-cloud-pak 4.0.12-build.3 release: mongodb data: >- #!/bin/bash ## workaround export RANDFILE=/tmp/.rnd port=27017 replica_set=\$REPLICA_SET script_name=\${0##*/} credentials_file=/work-dir/credentials.txt config_dir=/data/configdb function log() { local msg="\$1" local timestamp=\$(date --iso-8601=ns) 1>&2 echo "[\$timestamp] [\$script_name] \$msg" echo "[\$timestamp] [\$script_name] \$msg" >> /work-dir/log.txt } if [[ "\$AUTH" == "true" ]]; then if [ ! -f "\$credentials_file" ]; then log "Creds File Not found!" log "Original User: \$ADMIN_USER" echo \$ADMIN_USER > \$credentials_file echo \$ADMIN_PASSWORD >> \$credentials_file fi admin_user=\$(head -n 1 \$credentials_file) admin_password=\$(tail -n 1 \$credentials_file) admin_auth=(-u "\$admin_user" -p "\$admin_password") log "Original User: \$admin_user" if [[ "\$METRICS" == "true" ]]; then metrics_user="\$METRICS_USER" metrics_password="\$METRICS_PASSWORD" fi fi function shutdown_mongo() { log "Running fsync..." mongo admin "\${admin_auth[@]}" "\${ssl_args[@]}" --eval "db.adminCommand( { fsync: 1, lock: true } )" log "Running fsync unlock..." mongo admin "\${admin_auth[@]}" "\${ssl_args[@]}" --eval "db.adminCommand( { fsyncUnlock: 1 } )" log "Shutting down MongoDB..." mongo admin "\${admin_auth[@]}" "\${ssl_args[@]}" --eval "db.adminCommand({ shutdown: 1, force: true, timeoutSecs: 60 })" } #Check if Password has change and updated in mongo , if so update Creds function update_creds_if_changed() { if [ "\$admin_password" != "\$ADMIN_PASSWORD" ]; then passwd_changed=true log "password has changed = \$passwd_changed" log "checking if passwd updated in mongo" mongo admin "\${ssl_args[@]}" --eval "db.auth({user: '\$admin_user', pwd: '\$ADMIN_PASSWORD'})" | grep "Authentication failed" if [[ \$? -eq 1 ]]; then log "New Password worked, update creds" echo \$ADMIN_USER > \$credentials_file echo \$ADMIN_PASSWORD >> \$credentials_file admin_password=\$ADMIN_PASSWORD admin_auth=(-u "\$admin_user" -p "\$admin_password") passwd_updated=true fi fi } function update_mongo_password_if_changed() { log "checking if mongo passwd needs to be updated" if [[ "\$passwd_changed" == "true" ]] && [[ "\$passwd_updated" != "true" ]]; then log "Updating to new password " if [[ \$# -eq 1 ]]; then mhost="--host \$1" else mhost="" fi log "host for password upd (\$mhost)" mongo admin \$mhost "\${admin_auth[@]}" "\${ssl_args[@]}" --eval "db.changeUserPassword('\$admin_user', '\$ADMIN_PASSWORD')" >> /work-dir/log.txt 2>&1 sleep 10 log "mongo passwd change attempted; check and update creds file if successful" update_creds_if_changed fi } my_hostname=\$(hostname) log "Bootstrapping MongoDB replica set member: \$my_hostname" log "Reading standard input..." while read -ra line; do log "line is \${line}" if [[ "\${line}" == *"\${my_hostname}"* ]]; then service_name="\$line" fi peers=("\${peers[@]}" "\$line") done # Move into /work-dir pushd /work-dir pwd >> /work-dir/log.txt ls -l >> /work-dir/log.txt # Generate the ca cert ca_crt=\$config_dir/tls.crt if [ -f \$ca_crt ]; then log "Generating certificate" ca_key=\$config_dir/tls.key pem=/work-dir/mongo.pem ssl_args=(--ssl --sslCAFile \$ca_crt --sslPEMKeyFile \$pem) echo "ca stuff created" >> /work-dir/log.txt cat >openssl.cnf <<DUMMYEOL [req] req_extensions = v3_req distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name [req_distinguished_name] [ v3_req ] basicConstraints = CA:FALSE keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment subjectAltName = @alt_names [alt_names] DNS.1 = \$(echo -n "\$my_hostname" | sed s/-[0-9]*\$//) DNS.2 = \$my_hostname DNS.3 = \$service_name DNS.4 = localhost DNS.5 = DNS.6 = mongodb DUMMYEOL # Generate the certs echo "cnf stuff" >> /work-dir/log.txt echo "genrsa " >> /work-dir/log.txt openssl genrsa -out mongo.key 2048 >> /work-dir/log.txt 2>&1 echo "req " >> /work-dir/log.txt openssl req -new -key mongo.key -out mongo.csr -subj "/CN=\$my_hostname" -config openssl.cnf >> /work-dir/log.txt 2>&1 echo "x509 " >> /work-dir/log.txt openssl x509 -req -in mongo.csr \ -CA \$ca_crt -CAkey \$ca_key -CAcreateserial \ -out mongo.crt -days 3650 -extensions v3_req -extfile openssl.cnf >> /work-dir/log.txt 2>&1 echo "mongo stuff" >> /work-dir/log.txt rm mongo.csr cat mongo.crt mongo.key > \$pem rm mongo.key mongo.crt fi log "Peers: \${peers[@]}" log "Starting a MongoDB instance..." mongod --config \$config_dir/mongod.conf >> /work-dir/log.txt 2>&1 & pid=\$! trap shutdown_mongo EXIT log "Waiting for MongoDB to be ready..." until [[ \$(mongo "\${ssl_args[@]}" --quiet --eval "db.adminCommand('ping').ok") == "1" ]]; do log "Retrying..." sleep 2 done log "Initialized." if [[ "\$AUTH" == "true" ]]; then update_creds_if_changed fi iter_counter=0 while [ \$iter_counter -lt 5 ]; do log "primary check, iter_counter is \$iter_counter" # try to find a master and add yourself to its replica set. for peer in "\${peers[@]}"; do log "Checking if \${peer} is primary" mongo admin --host "\${peer}" --ipv6 "\${admin_auth[@]}" "\${ssl_args[@]}" --quiet --eval "rs.status()" >> log.txt # Check rs.status() first since it could be in primary catch up mode which db.isMaster() doesn't show if [[ \$(mongo admin --host "\${peer}" --ipv6 "\${admin_auth[@]}" "\${ssl_args[@]}" --quiet --eval "rs.status().myState") == "1" ]]; then log "Found master \${peer}, wait while its in primary catch up mode " until [[ \$(mongo admin --host "\${peer}" --ipv6 "\${admin_auth[@]}" "\${ssl_args[@]}" --quiet --eval "db.isMaster().ismaster") == "true" ]]; do sleep 1 done primary="\${peer}" log "Found primary: \${primary}" break fi done if [[ -z "\${primary}" ]] && [[ \${#peers[@]} -gt 1 ]] && (mongo "\${ssl_args[@]}" --eval "rs.status()" | grep "no replset config has been received"); then log "waiting before creating a new replicaset, to avoid conflicts with other replicas" sleep 30 else break fi let iter_counter=iter_counter+1 done if [[ "\${primary}" = "\${service_name}" ]]; then log "This replica is already PRIMARY" elif [[ -n "\${primary}" ]]; then if [[ \$(mongo admin --host "\${primary}" --ipv6 "\${admin_auth[@]}" "\${ssl_args[@]}" --quiet --eval "rs.conf().members.findIndex(m => == '\${service_name}:\${port}')") == "-1" ]]; then log "Adding myself (\${service_name}) to replica set..." if (mongo admin --host "\${primary}" --ipv6 "\${admin_auth[@]}" "\${ssl_args[@]}" --eval "rs.add('\${service_name}')" | grep 'Quorum check failed'); then log 'Quorum check failed, unable to join replicaset. Exiting.' exit 1 fi fi log "Done, Added myself to replica set." sleep 3 log 'Waiting for replica to reach SECONDARY state...' until printf '.' && [[ \$(mongo admin "\${admin_auth[@]}" "\${ssl_args[@]}" --quiet --eval "rs.status().myState") == '2' ]]; do sleep 1 done log '✓ Replica reached SECONDARY state.' elif (mongo "\${ssl_args[@]}" --eval "rs.status()" | grep "no replset config has been received"); then log "Initiating a new replica set with myself (\$service_name)..." mongo "\${ssl_args[@]}" --eval "rs.initiate({'_id': '\$replica_set', 'members': [{'_id': 0, 'host': '\$service_name'}]})" mongo "\${ssl_args[@]}" --eval "rs.status()" sleep 3 log 'Waiting for replica to reach PRIMARY state...' log ' Waiting for rs.status state to become 1' until printf '.' && [[ \$(mongo "\${ssl_args[@]}" --quiet --eval "rs.status().myState") == '1' ]]; do sleep 1 done log ' Waiting for master to complete primary catchup mode' until [[ \$(mongo "\${ssl_args[@]}" --quiet --eval "db.isMaster().ismaster") == "true" ]]; do sleep 1 done primary="\${service_name}" log '✓ Replica reached PRIMARY state.' if [[ "\$AUTH" == "true" ]]; then # sleep a little while just to be sure the initiation of the replica set has fully # finished and we can create the user sleep 3 log "Creating admin user..." mongo admin "\${ssl_args[@]}" --eval "db.createUser({user: '\$admin_user', pwd: '\$admin_password', roles: [{role: 'root', db: 'admin'}]})" fi log "Done initiating replicaset." fi log "Primary: \${primary}" if [[ -n "\${primary}" && "\$AUTH" == "true" ]]; then # you r master and passwd has changed.. then update passwd update_mongo_password_if_changed \$primary if [[ "\$METRICS" == "true" ]]; then log "Checking if metrics user is already created ..." metric_user_count=\$(mongo admin --host "\${primary}" "\${admin_auth[@]}" "\${ssl_args[@]}" --eval "db.system.users.find({user: '\${metrics_user}'}).count()" --quiet) log "User count is \${metric_user_count} " if [[ "\${metric_user_count}" == "0" ]]; then log "Creating clusterMonitor user... user - \${metrics_user} " mongo admin --host "\${primary}" "\${admin_auth[@]}" "\${ssl_args[@]}" --eval "db.createUser({user: '\${metrics_user}', pwd: '\${metrics_password}', roles: [{role: 'clusterMonitor', db: 'admin'}, {role: 'read', db: 'local'}]})" log "User creation return code is \$? " metric_user_count=\$(mongo admin --host "\${primary}" "\${admin_auth[@]}" "\${ssl_args[@]}" --eval "db.system.users.find({user: '\${metrics_user}'}).count()" --quiet) log "User count now is \${metric_user_count} " fi fi fi log "MongoDB bootstrap complete" exit 0
Create the following ConfigMap in the target namespace in preparation to install the temporary MongoDB.
For icp-mongodb-install.yaml:
kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: icp-mongodb-install labels: database icp-mongodb operator icp-mongodb common-services-cloud-pak 4.0.12-build.3 release: mongodb data: >- #!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This volume is assumed to exist and is shared with the peer-finder # init container. It contains on-start/change configuration scripts. WORKDIR_VOLUME="/work-dir" CONFIGDIR_VOLUME="/data/configdb" for i in "\$@" do case \$i in -c=*|--config-dir=*) CONFIGDIR_VOLUME="\${i#*=}" shift ;; -w=*|--work-dir=*) WORKDIR_VOLUME="\${i#*=}" shift ;; *) # unknown option ;; esac done echo installing config scripts into "\${WORKDIR_VOLUME}" mkdir -p "\${WORKDIR_VOLUME}" cp /peer-finder "\${WORKDIR_VOLUME}"/ echo "I am running as " \$(whoami) cp /configdb-readonly/mongod.conf "\${CONFIGDIR_VOLUME}"/mongod.conf cp /keydir-readonly/key.txt "\${CONFIGDIR_VOLUME}"/ cp /ca-readonly/tls.key "\${CONFIGDIR_VOLUME}"/tls.key cp /ca-readonly/tls.crt "\${CONFIGDIR_VOLUME}"/tls.crt chmod 600 "\${CONFIGDIR_VOLUME}"/key.txt # chown -R 999:999 /work-dir # chown -R 999:999 /data # Root file system is readonly but still need write and execute access to tmp # chmod -R 777 /tmp
Create a cert manager issuer resource in the target namespace:
For mongo-issuer-issuer.yaml:
apiVersion: kind: Issuer metadata: name: god-issuer labels: spec: selfSigned: {}
Create ibm-cpp-config configmap.
For ibm-cpp-config.yaml:
kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: ibm-cpp-config data: storageclass.default: rook-ceph-block storageclass.list: 'rook-ceph-block,rook-cephfs'
Export the mongo admin user and password from the source namespace:
export pass=$(oc get secret icp-mongodb-admin -n <source namespace> -o=jsonpath='{.data.password}') export user=$(oc get secret icp-mongodb-admin -n <source namespace> -o=jsonpath='{.data.user}')
Create the icp-mongodb-admin secret in the target namespace.
For icp-mongodb-admin.yaml:
kind: Secret apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: icp-mongodb-admin labels: app: icp-mongodb data: password: $pass user: $user type: Opaque
Create the icp-mongodb-client-cert certificate in the target namespace.
For icp-mongodb-client-cert.yaml:
apiVersion: kind: Certificate metadata: name: icp-mongodb-client-cert spec: commonName: mongodb-service dnsNames: - mongodb duration: 17520h isCA: false issuerRef: kind: Issuer name: mongodb-root-ca-issuer secretName: icp-mongodb-client-cert
Create the icp-mongodb configmap to configure target namespace mongo deployment.
For icp-mongodb-cm.yaml:
kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: icp-mongodb labels: database icp-mongodb operator icp-mongodb common-services-cloud-pak 4.0.12-build.3 release: mongodb data: mongod.conf: |- storage: dbPath: /data/db wiredTiger: engineConfig: cacheSizeGB: 0.26 net: bindIpAll: true port: 27017 ssl: mode: preferSSL CAFile: /data/configdb/tls.crt PEMKeyFile: /work-dir/mongo.pem replication: replSetName: rs0 # Uncomment for TLS support or keyfile access control without TLS security: authorization: enabled keyFile: /data/configdb/key.txt
Create the keyfile secret for mongo in the target namespace.
For icp-mongodb-keyfile-secret.yaml:
kind: Secret apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: icp-mongodb-keyfile labels: database icp-mongodb operator icp-mongodb release: mongodb data: key.txt: aWNwdGVzdA== type: Opaque
Create the metrics secret in the target namespace.
For icp-mongodb-metrics-secret.yaml:
kind: Secret apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: icp-mongodb-metrics labels: database icp-mongodb operator icp-mongodb release: mongodb data: password: aWNwbWV0cmljcw== user: bWV0cmljcw== type: Opaque
Create the RBAC for mongo in the target namespace.
For mongo-rbac.yaml:
kind: ServiceAccount apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: ibm-mongodb-operand labels: secrets: - name: ibm-mongodb-operand-dockercfg-x7n5t imagePullSecrets: - name: ibm-mongodb-operand-dockercfg-x7n5t
Create the mongo services in the target namespace.
For mongo-service.yaml:
kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: mongodb labels: database icp-mongodb operator icp-mongodb common-services-cloud-pak 4.0.12-build.3 release: mongodb spec: ipFamilies: - IPv4 ports: - protocol: TCP port: 27017 targetPort: 27017 internalTrafficPolicy: Cluster type: ClusterIP ipFamilyPolicy: SingleStack sessionAffinity: None selector: app: icp-mongodb release: mongodb tatus: loadBalancer: {}
For mongo-service2.yaml:
kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: icp-mongodb labels: database icp-mongodb operator icp-mongodb common-services-cloud-pak 4.0.12-build.3 release: mongodb spec: clusterIP: None publishNotReadyAddresses: true ipFamilies: - IPv4 ports: - name: peer protocol: TCP port: 27017 targetPort: 27017 internalTrafficPolicy: Cluster clusterIPs: - None type: ClusterIP ipFamilyPolicy: SingleStack sessionAffinity: None selector: app: icp-mongodb release: mongodb
Create the root ca certificate in the target namespace.
For mongodb-root-ca-certificate.yaml:
apiVersion: kind: Certificate metadata: name: mongodb-root-ca-cert labels: spec: commonName: mongodb dnsNames: - mongodb.root duration: 17520h isCA: true issuerRef: kind: Issuer name: god-issuer secretName: mongodb-root-ca-cert
Create the root issuer.
For mongodb-root-ca-issuer.yaml:
apiVersion: kind: Issuer metadata: name: mongodb-root-ca-issuer labels: spec: ca: secretName: mongodb-root-ca-cert
Create the namespace scope configmap. Replace
<target namespace>
with your target namespace.For namespace-scope-cm.yaml:
kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: namespace-scope data: namespaces: <target namespace>
Get the existing mongo images in the source namespace to use in the target namespace.
ibm_mongodb_install_image: oc get pod icp-mongodb-0 -n <source namespace> -o=jsonpath='{range .spec.initContainers[0]}{.image}{end}' ibm_mongodb_image: oc get pod icp-mongodb-0 -n <source namespace> -o=jsonpath='{range .spec.containers[0]}{.image}{end}'
Edit the image values and create the mongo statefulset to the target namespace. Replace values $ibm_mongodb_install_image, $ibm_mongodb_image, and $STGCLASS. The first two are the images from step 17. The $STGCLASS is the storage class in use for the existing mongo in the source namespace.
For icp-mongodb-ss.yaml:
kind: StatefulSet apiVersion: apps/v1 metadata: name: icp-mongodb labels: app: icp-mongodb release: mongodb spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: icp-mongodb release: mongodb template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: icp-mongodb common-mongodb release: mongodb annotations: ibm-common-services.cert-manager productID: 068a62892a1e4db39641342e592daa25 productMetric: FREE productName: IBM Cloud Platform Common Services /metrics '9216' 'true' spec: restartPolicy: Always initContainers: - resources: limits: cpu: '1' memory: 640Mi requests: cpu: 500m memory: 640Mi terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log name: install command: - /install/ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent volumeMounts: - name: mongodbdir mountPath: /work-dir subPath: workdir - name: configdir mountPath: /data/configdb - name: config mountPath: /configdb-readonly - name: install mountPath: /install - name: keydir mountPath: /keydir-readonly - name: ca mountPath: /ca-readonly - name: mongodbdir mountPath: /data/db subPath: datadir - name: tmp-mongodb mountPath: /tmp terminationMessagePolicy: File image: >- $ibm_mongodb_install_image args: - '--work-dir=/work-dir' - '--config-dir=/data/configdb' - resources: limits: cpu: '1' memory: 640Mi requests: cpu: 500m memory: 640Mi terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log name: bootstrap command: - /work-dir/peer-finder env: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: REPLICA_SET value: rs0 - name: AUTH value: 'true' - name: ADMIN_USER valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: icp-mongodb-admin key: user - name: ADMIN_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: icp-mongodb-admin key: password - name: METRICS value: 'true' - name: METRICS_USER valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: icp-mongodb-metrics key: user - name: METRICS_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: icp-mongodb-metrics key: password - name: NETWORK_IP_VERSION value: ipv4 securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: true allowPrivilegeEscalation: false imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent volumeMounts: - name: mongodbdir mountPath: /work-dir subPath: workdir - name: configdir mountPath: /data/configdb - name: init mountPath: /init - name: mongodbdir mountPath: /data/db subPath: datadir - name: tmp-mongodb mountPath: /tmp terminationMessagePolicy: File image: >- $ibm_mongodb_image args: - '-on-start=/init/' - '-service=icp-mongodb' serviceAccountName: ibm-mongodb-operand schedulerName: default-scheduler affinity: podAntiAffinity: preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 50 podAffinityTerm: labelSelector: matchExpressions: - key: app operator: In values: - icp-mongodb topologyKey: terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 securityContext: {} containers: - resources: limits: cpu: '1' memory: 640Mi requests: cpu: 500m memory: 640Mi readinessProbe: exec: command: - mongo - '--ssl' - '--sslCAFile=/data/configdb/tls.crt' - '--sslPEMKeyFile=/work-dir/mongo.pem' - '--eval' - db.adminCommand('ping') initialDelaySeconds: 5 timeoutSeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 3 terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log name: icp-mongodb command: - mongod - '--config=/data/configdb/mongod.conf' livenessProbe: exec: command: - mongo - '--ssl' - '--sslCAFile=/data/configdb/tls.crt' - '--sslPEMKeyFile=/work-dir/mongo.pem' - '--eval' - db.adminCommand('ping') initialDelaySeconds: 30 timeoutSeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 30 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 5 env: - name: AUTH value: 'true' - name: ADMIN_USER valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: icp-mongodb-admin key: user - name: ADMIN_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: icp-mongodb-admin key: password securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: true allowPrivilegeEscalation: false ports: - name: peer containerPort: 27017 protocol: TCP imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent volumeMounts: - name: mongodbdir mountPath: /data/db subPath: datadir - name: configdir mountPath: /data/configdb - name: mongodbdir mountPath: /work-dir subPath: workdir - name: tmp-mongodb mountPath: /tmp terminationMessagePolicy: File image: >- $ibm_mongodb_image topologySpreadConstraints: - maxSkew: 1 topologyKey: whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway labelSelector: matchLabels: key: app values: icp-mongodb - maxSkew: 1 topologyKey: whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway labelSelector: matchLabels: key: app values: icp-mongodb serviceAccount: ibm-mongodb-operand volumes: - name: config configMap: name: icp-mongodb defaultMode: 420 - name: init configMap: name: icp-mongodb-init defaultMode: 493 - name: install configMap: name: icp-mongodb-install defaultMode: 493 - name: ca secret: secretName: mongodb-root-ca-cert defaultMode: 493 - name: keydir secret: secretName: icp-mongodb-keyfile defaultMode: 493 - name: configdir emptyDir: {} - name: tmp-mongodb emptyDir: {} - name: tmp-metrics emptyDir: {} dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst tolerations: - key: dedicated operator: Exists effect: NoSchedule - key: CriticalAddonsOnly operator: Exists - key: operator: Exists effect: NoExecute - key: operator: Exists effect: NoExecute volumeClaimTemplates: - kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: mongodbdir creationTimestamp: null spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 20Gi storageClassName: $STGCLASS volumeMode: Filesystem status: phase: Pending serviceName: icp-mongodb podManagementPolicy: OrderedReady updateStrategy: type: RollingUpdate rollingUpdate: partition: 0 revisionHistoryLimit: 10
Wait for the mongo pods to come ready in the target namespace.
oc get pods -n <target namespace> -w | grep mongo
Create cs-mongodump PVC in the source namespace.
For cs-mongodump-pvc.yaml:
apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: cs-mongodump namespace: <source namespace> spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 20Gi storageClassName: <storage class> volumeMode: Filesystem
Wait for the cs-mongodump to bind to storage class.
oc get pvc cs-mongodump --no-headers -n <source namespace> -w | awk '{print $2}'
Create the mongo backup job in the source namespace.
For mongodb-backup-job.yaml: If using an amd64 cluster, apply the following yaml. Be sure to replace
with the corresponding image from step 17.apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: mongodb-backup spec: parallelism: 1 completions: 1 backoffLimit: 20 template: spec: containers: - name: cs-mongodb-backup image: $ibm_mongodb_image resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 500Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi command: ["bash", "-c", "cat /cred/mongo-certs/tls.crt /cred/mongo-certs/tls.key > /work-dir/mongo.pem; cat /cred/cluster-ca/tls.crt /cred/cluster-ca/tls.key > /work-dir/ca.pem; mongodump --oplog --out /dump/dump --host mongodb:27017 --username \$ADMIN_USER --password \$ADMIN_PASSWORD --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --sslCAFile /work-dir/ca.pem --sslPEMKeyFile /work-dir/mongo.pem"] volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/work-dir" name: tmp-mongodb - mountPath: "/dump" name: mongodump - mountPath: "/cred/mongo-certs" name: icp-mongodb-client-cert - mountPath: "/cred/cluster-ca" name: cluster-ca-cert env: - name: ADMIN_USER valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: icp-mongodb-admin key: user - name: ADMIN_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: icp-mongodb-admin key: password volumes: - name: mongodump persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: cs-mongodump - name: tmp-mongodb emptyDir: {} - name: icp-mongodb-client-cert secret: secretName: icp-mongodb-client-cert - name: cluster-ca-cert secret: secretName: mongodb-root-ca-cert restartPolicy: OnFailure
If using a Power (ppc64le) or Z (s390x) cluster, there are additional steps:
Scale down the mongo operator in the source namespace.
oc scale deploy -n <source namespace> ibm-mongodb-operator --replicas=0
Grab the cache size from mongo config.
oc get cm icp-mongodb -n $FROM_NAMESPACE -o yaml | grep cacheSizeGB | awk '{print $2}'
Edit the existing icp-mongodb configmap by applying the following. Replace
.kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: icp-mongodb labels: database icp-mongodb operator icp-mongodb common-services-cloud-pak 4.0.12-build.3 release: mongodb data: mongod.conf: |- storage: dbPath: /data/db wiredTiger: engineConfig: cacheSizeGB: $cacheSizeGB net: bindIpAll: true port: 27017 ssl: mode: preferSSL CAFile: /data/configdb/tls.crt PEMKeyFile: /work-dir/mongo.pem replication: replSetName: rs0 # Uncomment for TLS support or keyfile access control without TLS security: authorization: enabled keyFile: /data/configdb/key.txt
Delete the mongo operand pods one at a time to pick up the changes in the source namespace. Delete the pod, let it come back to
state, then delete the next pod.oc delete pod icp-mongodb-<pod number> -n <source namespace>
Apply the Mongo backup job. Make sure to replace the
with the corresponding value from step 17.apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: mongodb-backup spec: parallelism: 1 completions: 1 backoffLimit: 20 template: spec: containers: - name: cs-mongodb-backup image: $ibm_mongodb_image resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 500Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi command: ["bash", "-c", "cat /cred/mongo-certs/tls.crt /cred/mongo-certs/tls.key > /work-dir/mongo.pem; cat /cred/cluster-ca/tls.crt /cred/cluster-ca/tls.key > /work-dir/ca.pem; mongodump --oplog --out /dump/dump --host mongodb:27017 --username \$ADMIN_USER --password \$ADMIN_PASSWORD --authenticationDatabase admin"] volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/work-dir" name: tmp-mongodb - mountPath: "/dump" name: mongodump - mountPath: "/cred/mongo-certs" name: icp-mongodb-client-cert - mountPath: "/cred/cluster-ca" name: cluster-ca-cert env: - name: ADMIN_USER valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: icp-mongodb-admin key: user - name: ADMIN_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: icp-mongodb-admin key: password volumes: - name: mongodump persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: cs-mongodump - name: tmp-mongodb emptyDir: {} - name: icp-mongodb-client-cert secret: secretName: icp-mongodb-client-cert - name: cluster-ca-cert secret: secretName: mongodb-root-ca-cert restartPolicy: OnFailure
Wait for the
job to complete.oc get pods -n <source namespace> -w | grep mongodb-backup
If using a Power (ppc64le) or Z (s390x) cluster, scale the mongo operator back up in the source namespace.
oc scale deploy -n <source namespace> ibm-mongodb-operator --replicas=1
Get the volume name used in the backup.
oc get pvc cs-mongodump -n <source namespace> -o=jsonpath='{.spec.volumeName}'
Patch the volume to prepare it for transfer to the target namespace.
oc patch pv <volume name> -p '{"spec": { "persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy" : "Retain" }}' oc patch pv <volume name> --type=merge -p '{"spec": {"claimRef":null}}' oc patch pv <volume name> --type json -p '[{ "op": "remove", "path": "/spec/claimRef" }]'
Delete the cs-mongodump PVC in the source namespace.
oc delete pvc cs-mongodump -n <source namespace> --ignore-not-found --timeout=10s
If the command times out, patch the PVC to remove its finalizers.
oc patch pvc cs-mongodump -n <source namespace> --type="json" -p '[{"op": "remove", "path":"/metadata/finalizers"}]'
If not running on a ROKS cluster, get the storage class name from the source namespace mongo again.
oc get pvc mongodbdir-icp-mongodb-0 -n <source namespace> -o=jsonpath='{.spec.storageClassName}'
Create the cs-mongodump PVC in the target namespace. Edit the
, andvolumeName
.For cs-mongodump-pvc.yaml:
apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: cs-mongodump namespace: <target namespace> spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 20Gi storageClassName: <storage class from step 28> volumeMode: Filesystem volumeName: <volume name from step 25>
Wait for the cs-mongodump PVC to bind in the target namespace.
oc get pvc cs-mongodump -n <target namespace> --no-headers -w | awk '{print $2}'
If using an amd64 cluster, apply the mongodb-restore job to the target namespace. Replace the
with the value from step 17.For mongodb-restore-job-amd64.yaml:
apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: mongodb-restore spec: parallelism: 1 completions: 1 backoffLimit: 20 template: spec: containers: - name: icp-mongodb-restore image: $ibm_mongodb_image command: ["bash", "-c", "cat /cred/mongo-certs/tls.crt /cred/mongo-certs/tls.key > /work-dir/mongo.pem; cat /cred/cluster-ca/tls.crt /cred/cluster-ca/tls.key > /work-dir/ca.pem; mongorestore --host rs0/icp-mongodb:27017 --username \$ADMIN_USER --password \$ADMIN_PASSWORD --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --sslCAFile /work-dir/ca.pem --sslPEMKeyFile /work-dir/mongo.pem /dump/dump"] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 500Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/dump" name: mongodump - mountPath: "/work-dir" name: tmp-mongodb - mountPath: "/cred/mongo-certs" name: icp-mongodb-client-cert - mountPath: "/cred/cluster-ca" name: cluster-ca-cert env: - name: ADMIN_USER valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: icp-mongodb-admin key: user - name: ADMIN_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: icp-mongodb-admin key: password volumes: - name: mongodump persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: cs-mongodump - name: tmp-mongodb emptyDir: {} - name: icp-mongodb-client-cert secret: secretName: icp-mongodb-client-cert - name: cluster-ca-cert secret: secretName: mongodb-root-ca-cert restartPolicy: Never
If using Power (ppc64le) or Z (s390x) cluster, apply this mongodb-restore job to the target namespace. Replace the
with the value from step 17.For mongodb-restore-job-z.yaml:
apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: mongodb-restore spec: parallelism: 1 completions: 1 backoffLimit: 20 template: spec: containers: - name: icp-mongodb-restore image: $ibm_mongodb_image command: ["bash", "-c", "cat /cred/mongo-certs/tls.crt /cred/mongo-certs/tls.key > /work-dir/mongo.pem; cat /cred/cluster-ca/tls.crt /cred/cluster-ca/tls.key > /work-dir/ca.pem; mongorestore --host rs0/icp-mongodb:27017 --username \$ADMIN_USER --password \$ADMIN_PASSWORD --authenticationDatabase admin /dump/dump"] resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 500Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/dump" name: mongodump - mountPath: "/work-dir" name: tmp-mongodb - mountPath: "/cred/mongo-certs" name: icp-mongodb-client-cert - mountPath: "/cred/cluster-ca" name: cluster-ca-cert env: - name: ADMIN_USER valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: icp-mongodb-admin key: user - name: ADMIN_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: icp-mongodb-admin key: password volumes: - name: mongodump persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: cs-mongodump - name: tmp-mongodb emptyDir: {} - name: icp-mongodb-client-cert secret: secretName: icp-mongodb-client-cert - name: cluster-ca-cert secret: secretName: mongodb-root-ca-cert restartPolicy: Never
Wait for the mongodb-restore job to complete.
oc get pods -n <target namespace> -w | grep mongodb-restore
Clean up mongo in the target namespace.
oc delete statefulset icp-mongodb --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace> oc delete service icp-mongodb --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace> oc delete issuer god-issuer --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace> oc delete cm ibm-cpp-config --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace> oc delete certificate icp-mongodb-client-cert --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace> oc delete cm icp-mongodb --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace> oc delete cm icp-mongodb-init --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace> oc delete cm icp-mongodb-install --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace> oc delete secret icp-mongodb-keyfile --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace> oc delete secret icp-mongodb-metrics --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace> oc delete sa ibm-mongodb-operand --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace> oc delete service mongodb --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace> oc delete certificate mongodb-root-ca-cert --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace> oc delete issuer mongodb-root-ca-issuer --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace> oc delete cm namespace-scope --ignore-not-found -n <target namespace>
Delete the mongodump PVC and PV.
oc patch pv <volume name> -p '{"spec": { "persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy" : "Delete" }}' oc delete pvc cs-mongodump -n <target namespace> --ignore-not-found --timeout=10s
If deleting the PVC times out, remove the finalizer.
oc patch pvc cs-mongodump -n <target namespace> --type="json" -p '[{"op": "remove", "path":"/metadata/finalizers"}]'
Wait for the PVC to be deleted then delete the volume.
oc delete pv <volume name> --ignore-not-found --timeout=10s
If deleting the PV times out, remove the finalizer.
oc patch pv <volume name> --type="json" -p '[{"op": "remove", "path":"/metadata/finalizers"}]'
Copy the secret
from the source namespace to the target namespace.oc get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -n <source namespace> -o yaml > platform-auth-service-secret.yaml
Change the namespace in the secret file to the target namespace and edit to remove the
, andlabels
fields.Apply the edited secret file to the target namespace.
oc apply -f platform-auth-service-secret.yaml -n <target namespace>
Copy the secret
from the source namespace to the target namespace.oc get secret platform-auth-ldaps-ca-cert -n <source namespace> -o yaml > auth-ldaps-secret.yaml
Change the namespace in the secret file to the target namespace and edit to remove the
, andlabels
fields.Apply the edited secret file to the target namespace.
oc apply -f auth-ldaps-secret.yaml -n <target namespace>
Copy the configmap
from the source namespace to the target namespace.oc get configmap ibm-cpp-config -n <source namespace> -o yaml > ibm-cpp-config-cm.yaml
Change the namespace in the secret file to the target namespace and edit to remove the
, andlabels
fields.Apply the edited secret file to the target namespace.
oc apply -f ibm-cpp-config-cm.yaml -n <target namespace>
Copy the configmap
from the source namespace to the target namespace.oc get configmap common-web-ui-config -n <source namespace> -o yaml > common-web-ui-config-cm.yaml
Change the namespace in the secret file to the target namespace and edit to remove the
, andlabels
fields.Apply the edited secret file to the target namespace.
oc apply -f common-web-ui-config-cm.yaml -n <target namespace>
Copy the configmap
from the source namespace to the target namespace.oc get configmap platform-auth-idp -n <source namespace> -o yaml > platform-auth-idp-cm.yaml
Change the namespace in the secret file to the target namespace and edit to remove the
, andlabels
fields.Apply the edited secret file to the target namespace.
oc apply -f platform-auth-idp-cm.yaml -n <target namespace>
Copy the commonservice CR
from the source namespace to the target namespace.oc get commonservice common-service -n <source namespace> -o yaml > commonservice-cr.yaml
Change the namespace in the secret file to the target namespace, update the
topreload-common-service-from-<target namespace>
and edit to remove thecreationTimestamp
, andlabels
fields.Apply the edited secret file to the target namespace
oc apply -f commonservice-cr.yaml -n <target namespace>
Preload is complete. The target namespace is ready for a new install of foundational services using the mongo data from the source namespace.