Setting the hardware profile for Cert Manager

You can set a different hardware profile for Cert Manager to achieve the best performance for your workload.

Editing the CertManagerConfig custom resource

Learn how to edit the CertManagerConfig custom resource to set the hardware profile for Cert Manager.


Table 1. Settings for certManagerCAInjector
Parameter Description Default value Syntax
certManagerCAInjector.resources.limits.cpu Sets the CPU limit for CAInjector container. 100m Kubernetes CPU units (String)
certManagerCAInjector.resources.limits.memory Sets the memory limit for CAInjector container. 520Mi Bytes (String)
certManagerCAInjector.resources.requests.cpu Sets the CPU request for CAInjector container. 20m Kubernetes CPU units (String)
certManagerCAInjector.resources.requests.memory Sets the memory request for CAInjector container. 410Mi Bytes (String)
certManagerCAInjector.resources.requests.ephemeral-storage Sets the ephemeral storage request for CAInjector container. 256Mi Bytes (String)


Table 2. Settings for certManagerController
Parameter Description Default value Syntax
certManagerController.resources.limits.cpu Sets the CPU limit for Controller container. 80m Kubernetes CPU units (String)
certManagerController.resources.limits.memory Sets the memory limit for Controller container. 530Mi Bytes (String)
certManagerController.resources.requests.cpu Sets the CPU request for Controller container. 20m Kubernetes CPU units (String)
certManagerController.resources.requests.memory Sets the memory request for Controller container. 230Mi Bytes (String)
certManagerController.resources.requests.ephemeral-storage Sets the ephemeral storage request for Controller container. 256Mi Bytes (String)


Table 3. Settings for certManagerWebhook
Parameter Description Default value Syntax
certManagerWebhook.resources.limits.cpu Sets the CPU limit for webhook container. 60m Kubernetes CPU units (String)
certManagerWebhook.resources.limits.memory Sets the memory limit for webhook container. 100Mi Bytes (String)
certManagerWebhook.resources.requests.cpu Sets the CPU request for webhook container. 30m Kubernetes CPU units (String)
certManagerWebhook.resources.requests.memory Sets the memory request for webhook container. 40Mi Bytes (String)
certManagerWebhook.resources.requests.ephemeral-storage Sets the ephemeral storage request for webhook container. 256Mi Bytes (String)