Upgrade process does not complete

After you upgrade IBM Cloud Pak foundational services, the replica count of the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services operator or the operand-deployment-lifecycle-manager operator is zero.


The upgrade process does not complete.


You might see this issue if you rerun the upgrade script before the upgrade completes. The script, when you run it the second time, scales down the replica count of the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services operator or the operand-deployment-lifecycle-manager operator to 0. The script also modifies the common-service OperandRegistry.

Resolving the problem

To resolve the issue, scale up the replica counts of the operators.

  1. Remove the modified common-service OperandRegistry.

     oc delete operandregistry common-service -n <namespace-where-foundational services-are-installed>
  2. Scale up the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services and operand-deployment-lifecycle-manager operators.

     oc scale deployment operand-deployment-lifecycle-manager -n <namespace-where-foundational services-are-installed> --replicas=1
     oc scale deployment ibm-common-service-operator -n <namespace-where-foundational services-are-installed> --replicas=1
  3. Get the common-service-operator pod name.

     oc get pod -n <namespace-where-foundational services-are-installed> | grep common-service-operator
  4. Delete the common-service-operator pod so that a new pod is created.

     oc delete pod <common-service-operator-pod-name> -n <namespace-where-foundational services-are-installed>