Foundational services operators and versions

Following tables provide the ClusterServiceVersions (CSVs) of foundational services operators.

In Table 1. Versions of operators that need to be manually installed and Table 2. Versions of operators that are automatically installed, following representations are used:

Manually installed operators

You can install the following foundational services by using the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services operator:

Note: Some services depend on other services. When you install a service, the service operator also installs the dependencies. However, for a foundational service that you are installing, you must ensure that all its dependencies are installed. For more information, see Dependencies of the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services.

Table 1. Versions of operators that need to be manually installed
Service Description Operator name Operator version in 4.5 Operator channel in 4.5
Identity Management (IM) Identity management services. ibm-im-operator 4.4.0 v4.4
Common Web UI A web terminal that runs inline with the console. You can communicate with your cluster without downloading and configuring CLI tools from the internet. ibm-idp-config-ui-operator 4.3.1 v4.3
Certificate Manager Creating and mounting a certificate to a Kubernetes Deployment, StatefulSet, or DaemonSet. You can also create and add a certificate to a Kubernetes Ingress. ibm-cert-manager-operator 4.2.2 v4.2
Events Event streaming platform for creating and managing Apache Kafka resources. ibm-events-operator 4.9.0 v3
License Service Reports the license use of your product and its underlying product details that are deployed in the containerized environment.
  • ibm-licensing-operator
  • ibm-license-service-reporter-operator
4.2.2 v4.2
MongoDB Database that is used by the IM service. ibm-im-mongodb-operator 4.2.2 v4.2
Multitenancy Multiple accounts, also called tenants, on a cluster. Part of IM Operator Same as IM Operator Same as IM Operator
Platform UI The platform user interface framework. ibm-platformui-operator 5.1.1 v4.3
Cloud Native PostgresSQL Create and manage PostgreSQL cluster for your services. cloud-native-postgresql 4.18.7 stable
Business Teams Service Administer and manage global teams across business applications. ibm-bts-operator 3.32.0 v3
NamespaceScope Operator Manages operator and operand authority across namespaces. Authorizes permission to a target namespace. ibm-namespace-scope-operator 4.2.2 v4.2
Flink Event processing capabilities based on Apache Flink®. ibm-automation-flink 1.3.16 v1.3
Elasticsearch An operational data store that also provides a custom security plug-in to enable basic authentication and a proxy sidecar for Transport Layer Security (TLS) capability. ibm-automation-elastic 1.3.16 v1.3

Automatically installed operators

The following operators are automatically installed when you install foundational services:

Table 2. Versions of operators that are automatically installed
Service Description Operator name Operator version in 4.5 Operator channel in 4.5
Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager (ODLM) Manages the lifecycle of a group of operands. operand-deployment-lifecycle-manager 4.2.3 v4.2