In-place migration

In-place migration will migrate a dedicated foundational services without creating any new instances of foundational services. This method should only be used if the foundational services you are migrating is already dedicated to a IBM Cloud Pak, that is, running in multiple-instance mode.

Note: You can choose to migrate by either using a script or using manual steps.


Migrating using a script

  1. Run the script,, with the following options:

     ./ --license-accept \
     --enable-licensing \
     --operator-namespace ibm-common-services \
     --cert-manager-source ibm-cert-manager-catalog \
     --licensing-source ibm-licensing-catalog \
     -c v4.5 \
     -i Automatic \
     -s opencloud-operators-v4-1 \
     -v 1

    If you have deployed License Service Reporter, use the following command to migrate the IBM License Service Reporter:

     ./ --license-accept \
     --enable-licensing \
     --operator-namespace ibm-common-services \
     --cert-manager-source ibm-cert-manager-catalog \
     --licensing-source ibm-licensing-catalog \
     -c v4.5 \
     -i Automatic \
     -s opencloud-operators-v4-1 \
     -v 1
  2. After running the automation script, this ends up with the existing IM works as is, until CloudPaks are upgraded and stop creating OperandRequests for ibm-iam-operator and ibm-zen-operator.

    • Cloud Paks should update OperandRequest to only request ibm-im-operator and ibm-platformui-operator
      kind: OperandRequest
        name: common-service
        namespace: tenant1-cp4ba-namespace
          - operands:
              - name: ibm-im-operator
              - name: ibm-platformui-operator
            registry: common-service
            registryNamespace: ibm-common-services

Migrate using manual steps

  1. Take down utility operators

    • Scale down ibm-common-service-operator deployment in the Common Service Namespace
    • Delete ODLM operator in the Common Service Namespace
    • Delete default OperandRegistry and OperandConfig named common-service in Common Service Namespace
  2. Migrate cluster singleton services

    • Migrate to cluster level cert-manager

      • Deactivate foundational services version 3.x cert-manager in Control Namespace

        • Edit ibm-cpp-config ConfigMap by adding deployCSCertManagerOperands: false to disable cert-manager operands:

            kind: ConfigMap
            apiVersion: v1
              name: ibm-cpp-config
              namespace: cs-control
              deployCSCertManagerOperands: 'false'
              storageclass.default: rook-ceph-block
              storageclass.list: 'rook-ceph-block,rook-cephfs'
        • Delete certManager CR named default

        • Restart ibm-cert-manager operator Pod
        • Verify that the foundational services cert-manager pods are no longer running(except for ibm-cert-manager-operator)
      • Deploy foundational services version 4.1 cert-manager at cluster scope
        • foundational services version 4.1 cert-manager will be deployed in ibm-cert-manager namespace at AllNamespaces Mode
        • Both foundational services version 4.1 and OpenShift Container Platform cert-manager can co-exist with CP2 ibm-cert-manager. Only foundational services version 4.1 and OpenShift Container Platform cert-manager will perform certificate management.
    • Migrate into cluster-level License Service

      • Migrate the existing License Service data (ConfigMaps, Secrets)
      • Disable License Service in Common Service or Control Namespace
      • Deploy LicenseService at the cluster level
  3. Propagate default CommonService CR to every namespace in the tenant

    • Create/Update CommonService CR named common-service in every namespace in the tenant with proper values of servicesNamespace and operatorNamespace. The following is an example CommonService CRs:

      kind: CommonService
        name: common-service
        namespace: tenant1-cp4ba-cs-namespace
        operatorNamespace: tenant1-cp4ba-cs-namespace
        servicesNamespace: tenant1-cp4ba-cs-namespace
        size: starterset
      kind: CommonService
        name: common-service
        namespace: tenant1-cp4ba-namespace
        operatorNamespace: tenant1-cp4ba-cs-namespace
        servicesNamespace: tenant1-cp4ba-cs-namespace
        size: starterset
  4. Upgrade Common Service and ODLM operator

    • Upgrade ibm-common-services-operator

      • Channel switch:

        • in ibm-common-services namespace into v4.5
        • in cloudpak namespaces (for example, cp4ba)
        • The sequence of upgrading common service operator in different namespace does not matter, the preceding step takes care of this.
        • The following shows a common service operator pod log in the cp4ba namespace:

          I0308 05:52:06.172662 1 main.go:132] Identifying Common Service Operator Role in the namespace cp4i
          I0308 05:52:06.179092 1 main.go:261] Common Service Operator goes dormant in the namespace cp4i
          I0308 05:52:06.179109 1 main.go:262] Common Service Operator in the namespace ibm-common-services takes charge of resource management
    • Upgrade operand-deployment-lifecycle-manager

      • ibm-common-services-operator v4 will upgrade ODLM to v4 as well
  5. Clean up foundational services version 3.x resources

    • Delete SecretShare Deployment and its CRs
    • Delete Crossplane Components
    • Delete ibm-common-service webhook and its configurations
    • Clean up old NamespaceScope CR - nss-odlm-scope:

      > oc get namespacescope -n ibm-common-services | grep -v common-service
      NAME                        AGE
      nss-odlm-scope              7h18m
  6. Upgrade Namespace Scope Operator

    • Upgrade ibm-namespace-scope-operator
      • If you are using NSS Operator restricted in foundational services version 3.x, uninstall the NSS operator restricted and reinstall the foundational services version 4.1 NSS operator by creating a new subscription
      • Use the script to project Namespace Scope roles and role bindings to the other namespace in the topology. For more information, see Authorization and Permissions.
    • Update NamespaceScope CR named common-service in Common Service Namespace to include all namespaces in this tenant:
      kind: NamespaceScope
        name: common-service
        namespace: tenant1-cp4ba-cs-namespace
          enable: true
          - tenant1-cp4ba-cs-namespace
          - tenant1-cp4ba-namespace
          intent: projected
  7. After completing the preceding manual steps, the existing IM works as is, until CloudPaks are upgraded and stop creating OperandRequests for ibm-iam-operator and ibm-zen-operator.

    • If you are an IBM Cloud Paks user, update OperandRequest to only request ibm-im-operator and ibm-platformui-operator
      kind: OperandRequest
        name: common-service
        namespace: tenant1-cp4ba-namespace
          - operands:
              - name: ibm-im-operator
              - name: ibm-platformui-operator
            registry: common-service
            registryNamespace: tenant1-cp4ba-cs-namespace