Authorizing foundational services to perform operations on workloads in a namespace

Manage operator and service workload authority across namespaces.

The IBM NamespaceScope Operator is used to project operator permissions so that IBM Cloud Paks® can request and share IBM Cloud Pak foundational services capabilities that are running in different namespaces in the cluster.

The IBM NamespaceScope Operator runs in the foundational-services namespace. It watches the target namespace and extends the roles and role bindings of the operator and associated workloads to the namespace that is specified in a NamespaceScope CR.

The runtime permissions of the operator from the original namespace are aggregated into a role for the operator in the target namespace. The name of role in the target namespace is nss-runtime-managed-role-from-<original-namespace>.

Scope definitions

Your cluster might have one or multiple foundational services instances. An instance might serve a single IBM Cloud Pak or multiple IBM Cloud Paks.

The following terms provide information about the ways in which you can set the scope of the foundational services instances:

Topologies that need the IBM NamespaceScope operator

You do not need the IBM NamespaceScope operator if each IBM Cloud Pak that is installed in your cluster has its own foundational services instance.

Deployment of the IBM NamespaceScope operator is required only when you are sharing a foundational services instance across multiple IBM Cloud Paks. See the following topologies:

Deploying and authorizing the IBM NamespaceScope Operator

Before you proceed, understand the following key components:

Proceed with deploying and authorizing the IBM NamespaceScope Operator for your topology.

Note: If you do not want to manually do your topology configurations, you can use the installation script. The script installs the ibm-namespace-scope-operator and deploys the NamespaceScope resource in the foundational-services namespace during foundational services installation. For more information, see Installing foundational services by using a script.

Topology 1

Complete these steps before you install foundational services.

  1. Create all required namespaces. For the steps to create a namespace, see create a namespace. You need the following namespaces:

    • a namespace for your foundational services instance
    • a separate namespace for each IBM Cloud Pak instance
  2. Create or update the OperatorGroup in your ibm-common-service-operator namespace. For more information, see the operatorNamespace parameter.

     kind: OperatorGroup
       name: og-tenant1-services       # --> This is name of the operator group.
       namespace: tenant1-services     # --> This is namespace of the operator group.
         - tenant1-services           # --> This is your foundational services namespace.
  3. Create the ibm-namespace-scope-operator subscription.

     kind: Subscription
       name: ibm-namespace-scope-operator
       namespace: tenant1-services    # --> This is your foundational services namespace.
       channel: v4.2
       installPlanApproval: Automatic
       name: ibm-namespace-scope-operator
       source: opencloud-operators         # --> This is name of the `ibm-namespace-scope-operator` catalog source.
       sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace      # --> This is namespace of the `ibm-namespace-scope-operator` catalog source.
  4. Create the NamespaceScope CR for your topology. Following is a sample YAML specification of the NamespaceScope CR for topology 1.

    Note: Ensure that you add the foundational-services namespace in the metadata.namespace parameter. Later, the foundational services are installed in this namespace.

     kind: NamespaceScope
       name: common-service
       namespace: tenant1-services          # --> This is your foundational services namespace.
         enable: true
       configmapName: namespace-scope
         - tenant1-services
         - tenant1-cp4ba                    # --> This is your IBM Cloud Pak 1 namespace that uses the foundational services from the tenant1-services namespace.
         - tenant1-cp4i                     # --> This is your IBM Cloud Pak 2 namespace that uses the foundational services from the tenant1-services namespace.
         intent: projected
  5. Authorize the IBM NamespaceScope Operator to access workloads in the other namespaces.

    1. Log in to your cluster as a cluster administrator by using the oc login command.
    2. Download the script that you need for manually authorizing namespaces.

    3. Run the script for each namespace that you are authorizing.

       ./ <target-namespace> -to <foundational-services-namespace>

      See the following examples for topology 1:

      • For the tenant1-cp4ba namespace:

          ./ tenant1-cp4ba -to tenant1-services
      • For the tenant1-cp4i namespace:

          ./ tenant2-cp4i -to tenant1-services
  6. Continue with the installation of foundational services. Proceed with Configuring the services. If needed, update the common-service CR to specify the servicesNamespace for the shared services.

Topology 2

Complete these steps before you install foundational services.

  1. Create all required namespaces. For the steps to create a namespace, see create a namespace. You need the following namespaces:

    • a namespace for all your operators
    • a namespace for all operands
  2. Create or update the OperatorGroup in your ibm-common-service-operator namespace. For more information, see the operatorNamespace parameter.

     kind: OperatorGroup
       name: og-tenant1-services       # --> This is name of the operator group.
       namespace: tenant1-control     # --> This is the namespace where all operators are installed.
         - tenant1-control           # --> This is the namespace where all operators are installed.
  3. Create the ibm-namespace-scope-operator subscription.

     kind: Subscription
       name: ibm-namespace-scope-operator
       namespace: tenant1-control    # --> This is the namespace where all operators are installed.
       channel: v4.2
       installPlanApproval: Automatic
       name: ibm-namespace-scope-operator
       source: opencloud-operators         # --> This is name of the `ibm-namespace-scope-operator` catalog source.
       sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace      # --> This is namespace of the `ibm-namespace-scope-operator` catalog source.
  4. Create the NamespaceScope CR for your topology. Following is a sample YAML specification of the NamespaceScope CR for topology 2.

    Note: Ensure that you add the foundational-services namespace in the metadata.namespace parameter. Later, the foundational services are installed in this namespace.

     kind: NamespaceScope
       name: common-service
       namespace: tenant1-control            # --> This is your foundational services namespace.
         enable: true
       configmapName: namespace-scope
         - tenant1-control                  # --> This is the namespace where all operators are installed.
         - tenant1-data                     # --> This is the namespace where all operands are installed.
         intent: projected
  5. Authorize the IBM NamespaceScope Operator to access workloads in the other namespaces.

    1. Log in to your cluster as a cluster administrator by using the oc login command.
    2. Download the script that you need for manually authorizing namespaces.

    3. Run the script for each namespace that you are authorizing.

       ./ <target-namespace> -to <foundational services-namespace>

      See the following example for topology 2:

      ./ tenant1-data -to tenant1-control
  6. Update the CommonService CR in the tenant1-control namespace to indicate that the services are to be placed in the tenant1-data namespace. The OperandRequest and OperandConfig CRs are also then installed in tenant1-data namespace. For more information, see Parameters in the CommonService CR.

     apiVersion: v1
     kind: CommonService
       name: common-service
       namespace: tenant1-control
       servicesNamespace: tenant1-data
       operatorNamespace: tenant1-control
  7. Ensure that you install your IBM Cloud Pak in the tenant1-control namespace. You must annotate the ClusterServiceVersion (CSV) of your IBM Cloud Pak operators to allow the IBM NamespaceScope Operator to inject the proper WATCH and label statements to project their scope to the tenant1-data namespace. See the following example:

     kind: ClusterServiceVersion
       alm-examples: ‘[…]’ <package-name>
  8. You must create all your IBM Cloud Pak CRs in the tenant1-data namespace so that their operands are deployed in the tenant1-data namespace. Any subsequent OperandRequest CRs are deployed such that they connect to the required foundational services.

  9. Continue with the installation of foundational services. Proceed with Configuring the services.

Topology 3

Complete these steps before you install foundational services.

  1. Create all required namespaces. For the steps to create a namespace, see create a namespace. You need the following namespaces:

    • a namespace for all your operators
    • a namespace for all operands where all the shared services are hosted
    • a namespace for hosting your IBM Cloud Pak
  2. Create or update the OperatorGroup in your ibm-common-service-operator namespace. For more information, see the operatorNamespace parameter.

     kind: OperatorGroup
       name: og-tenant1-services       # --> This is name of the operator group.
       namespace: tenant1-operators     # --> This is the namespace where all operators are installed.
         - tenant1-operators           # --> This is the namespace where all operators are installed.
  3. Create the ibm-namespace-scope-operator subscription.

     kind: Subscription
       name: ibm-namespace-scope-operator
       namespace: tenant1-operators    # --> This is the namespace where all operators are installed.
       channel: v4.2
       installPlanApproval: Automatic
       name: ibm-namespace-scope-operator
       source: opencloud-operators         # --> This is name of the `ibm-namespace-scope-operator` catalog source.
       sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace      # --> This is namespace of the `ibm-namespace-scope-operator` catalog source.
  4. Create the NamespaceScope CR for your topology. Following is a sample YAML specification of the NamespaceScope CR for topology 3.

    Note: Ensure that you add the foundational-services namespace in the metadata.namespace parameter. Later, the foundational services are installed in this namespace.

     kind: NamespaceScope
       name: common-service
       namespace: tenant1-operators
         enable: true
       configmapName: namespace-scope
         - tenant1-operators                    # --> This is the namespace where all operators are installed.
         - tenant1-instance                     # --> This is your foundational services namespace, where all operands are installed.
         - tenant1-instance-tethered1           # --> This is a namespace that has your IBM Cloud Pak capability and uses the foundational services from the tenant1-instance.
         - tenant1-instance-tethered2           # --> This is a namespace that has your IBM Cloud Pak capability and uses the foundational services from the tenant1-instance.
         intent: projected
  5. Authorize the IBM NamespaceScope Operator to access workloads in the other namespaces.

    1. Log in to your cluster as a cluster administrator by using the oc login command.
    2. Download the script that you need for manually authorizing namespaces.

    3. Run the script for each namespace that you are authorizing.

       ./ <target-namespace> -to <foundational-services-namespace>

      See the following examples for topology 3:

      • For the tenant1-instance namespace:

          ./ tenant1-instance -to tenant1-operators
      • For the tenant1-instance-tethered1 namespace:

          ./ tenant1-instance-tethered1 -to tenant1-operators
      • For the tenant1-instance-tethered2 namespace:

          ./ tenant1-instance-tethered2 -to tenant1-operators
  6. Update the CommonService CR in the tenant1-operators namespace to indicate that the services are to be placed in the tenant1-operators namespace. The OperandRequest and OperandConfig CRs are also then installed in tenant1-operators namespace. For more information, see Parameters in the CommonService CR.

     apiVersion: v1
     kind: CommonService
       name: common-service
       namespace: tenant1-operators
       servicesNamespace: tenant1-instance
       operatorNamespace: tenant1-operators
  7. You can install your IBM Cloud Pak operators in any namespace that is listed in the NamespaceScope CR. If you install the IBM Cloud Pak in the tenant1-operators namespace, you must annotate the CSV of your IBM Cloud Pak operators to allow the IBM NamespaceScope Operator to inject the proper WATCH and label statements to project their scope to the tenant1-data namespace. See the following example:

     kind: ClusterServiceVersion
       alm-examples: ‘[…]’ <package-name>
  8. You must install your IBM Cloud Pak CRs in the namespace in which their operands are to be deployed. Any subsequent OperandRequest CRs are deployed such that they connect to the required foundational services.

  9. Continue with the installation of foundational services. Proceed with Configuring the services.

Revoking the authorization

If you need to revoke the permission at any point in time, run this command:

./ <target-namespace> -delete