Installing License Service on OpenShift Container Platform

Learn how to install License Service on OpenShift Container Platform.


Before installation, see Supported platforms and hardware requirements to check the installation requirements.

Verifying if License Service is already installed on the cluster

Check if License Service is already installed on the cluster to prevent the use of multiple License Service copies to report the license usage of multiple IBM Cloud Paks that are running on the same cluster.

Important: If you install multiple instances of License Service on one cluster, License Service generates an incorrect license usage report.

To check if License Service is already installed on the cluster, use one of the following methods:

Installing License Service

You can install License Service with OpenShift console or with the CLI. Choose one of the following procedures to complete the installation with your preferred method.

Installing License Service with OpenShift console

  1. Create the CatalogSource to get the operator bundles.

    1. Log in to the OpenShift console.

    2. Click the plus icon on the header.

    3. Copy the following CatalogSource into the editor.

      kind: CatalogSource
        name: ibm-licensing-catalog
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: IBM License Service Catalog
        publisher: IBM
        sourceType: grpc
          interval: 45m
    4. Click Create.

  2. Create the ibm-licensing namespace.

    Note: The recommended namespace for License Service installation is ibm-licensing. The commands in the installation instructions contain this default namespace. However, you can install License Service in any other custom namespace. If you install License Service in a custom namespace, replace ibm-licensing with the name of the custom namespace.

    1. Go to Operators > Operator Hub.

    2. Expand the list of Projects.

    3. Select Create Project.

    4. Enter ibm-licensing as a name and click Create.

      The image shows how to create the ibm-licensing namespace.

  3. Install the IBM Licensing package in OperatorHub.

    1. Go to OperatorHub and search for the IBM Licensing operator.

      Note: It might take a few minutes to display the operator in the OperatorHub. If the operator is not displayed in the OperatorHub, there is an issue with the CatalogSource.

    2. Select IBM Licensing and click Install.

      The image shows the IBM Licensing installation window.

    3. Set the Update Channel to the v4.2 version.

    4. Set the Installation mode to A specific namespace on the cluster.

    5. Set the Installed Namespace to Select a Namespace, and select the ibm-licensing namespace.

    6. Set Update approval to Automatic.

    7. Click Install.

  4. Verify that the installation is successful.

    To check whether the installation is successful, wait for about 1 minute, and go to Installed operators. You can see IBM Licensing in the Succeeded status.

    The image shows the status of correctly installed IBM Licensing operator

    The IBM Licensing operator is installed for the License Service. The operator is only responsible for watching over the configuration and managing resources of IBM Licensing.

  5. Configure the IBM Licensing instance if required. For more information, see Configuring License Service.

  6. Check whether the pod is created and has Running status. It might take a few minutes.

    To view the logs, go to Workloads > Pods and, search for ibm-licensing-service-instance in the ibm-licensing project. For more information, click ibm-licensing-service-instance and check its logs and events.

  7. Update the License Service instance that was created during installation to accept the license.

    1. Go to Operators > Installed Operators.
    2. From the Project drop-down list, select All Projects
    3. Select IBM Licensing Operator.
    4. Select the IBM License Service tab. The instance of License Service custom resource is listed.
    5. From the overflow action menu, select Edit IBMLicensing.

      The image shows the IBM License Service tab where the instance is listed.

    6. Edit the YAML and add the following lines under spec section.

          accept: true

      The image shows the License Service instance YAML with the license parameter.

    7. Click Save.

The installation of License Service is completed and running on your cluster.

Installing License Service with CLI

  1. Log in to the cluster by using the oc login command.

  2. Create the License Service catalog source:

    1. Create a YAML file named license-service-catalog.yaml with the following definition:

      kind: CatalogSource
        name: ibm-licensing-catalog
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: IBM License Service Catalog
        publisher: IBM
        sourceType: grpc
          interval: 45m
    2. Apply the YAML file to create the License Service catalog source.

      oc apply -f license-service-catalog.yaml
    3. Verify that the CatalogSource for your IBM License Service operator is created.

      oc get pods -n openshift-marketplace
      oc get catalogsource -n openshift-marketplace
  3. Install the IBM License Service operator.

    1. Create a namespace for License Service.

      Note: The recommended namespace for License Service installation is ibm-licensing. The commands in the installation instructions contain this default namespace. However, you can install License Service in any other custom namespace. If you install License Service in a custom namespace, replace ibm-licensing with the name of the custom namespace.

      export NAMESPACE=ibm-licensing
      oc create namespace $NAMESPACE
    2. Create the operator group to deploy the OperatorGroup resource.

      cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
      kind: OperatorGroup
        name: licensing-og
        namespace: ibm-licensing
        - ibm-licensing
    3. Create the subscription for License Service.

      export LS_CHANNEL=v4.2
      cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
      kind: Subscription
        name: ibm-licensing-operator-app
        namespace: ibm-licensing
        channel: $LS_CHANNEL
        installPlanApproval: Automatic
        name: ibm-licensing-operator-app
        source: ibm-licensing-catalog
        sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  4. Verify that your License Service operator is installed:

    oc get pod -n $NAMESPACE

    It might take up to 15 minutes for all the pods to show the Running status.

  5. Update the License Service instance that was created during installation to accept the license.

    1. Create the accept-license.yaml file with the following content:

          accept: true
    2. Run the following command:

      oc patch IBMLicensing instance --type merge --patch-file accept-license.yaml

Verifying installation

To check whether License Service components are properly installed and running, see Validating License Service deployments.