Manual steps for uninstalling singleton services - Cert Manager

Uninstall the IBM Cert Manager operator. Switch to the namespace where you deployed the IBM Cert Manager. For example, the ibm-cert-manager namespace.

  1. Click Operators > Installed Operators > IBM Cert Manager Operator > CertManagerConfig.
  2. Delete all of the CertManagerConfig instances. When CertManagerConfig is deleted, cert-manager-controller, cert-manager-webhook, and cert-manager-cainjector deployments will also be deleted.
  3. Wait for the CertManagerConfig instances to be deleted.
  4. Alternatively, you can run the following commands to delete CertManagerConfig:

    oc get certmanagerconfig -n <namespace>
    oc delete certmanagerconfig <name> -n namespace
  5. Click Operators > Installed Operators > the overflow menu icon > Uninstall Operator.

  6. Alternatively, you can run the following commands to uninstall the operator:

    oc delete sub ibm-cert-manager-operator -n <namespace>
    oc get csv -n <namespace> | grep ibm-cert-manager
    oc delete csv <csv_name>  -n <namespace>
  7. ClickHome > Search > MutatingWebhookConfiguratio.

  8. Delete cert-manager-webhook.
  9. Click Home > Search > ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.
  10. Delete cert-manager-webhook.