IBM Data Risk Manager data mapping

The IBM® Data Risk Manager Connected Assets and Risk connector incrementally synchronizes the contents of the Data Risk Manager asset databases with the data that is managed by the Connected Assets and Risk service.

The following table shows the Connected Assets and Risk connector to Data Risk Manager data mapping.

Table 1. Data Risk Manager data mapping
CAR vertex/edge CAR field Data Risk Manager field
Application external_id id
  name name
  description description
  Custom Properties conceptProperties
ipaddress _key entityValue
  name name
  description description
  Custom Properties conceptProperties
businessprocess name name
  external_id id
  description description
  Custom Properties conceptProperties
application_ipaddress _from_external_id ApplicationId
  _to ipAddress
businessprocess_application _from_external_id BusinessProcessId
  _to_external_id ApplicationId

When data is imported, you can see the business processes that are associated with each of the applications and also applications that are associated with each IP address. The following list provides further details on the Connected Assets and Risk connector mapping.

IpAddress vertex
The IpAddress is an entity in Data Risk Manager and that is mapped to the ipAddrs node in Connected Assets and Risk. If IpAddress is deleted, the corresponding IpAddress is also deleted in Connected Assets and Risk.
The IpAddress is an entity in Data Risk Manager and that is mapped to the ipAddrs node in Connected Assets and Risk. If IpAddress is deleted, the corresponding IpAddress is also deleted in Connected Assets and Risk.
Application vertex
The Application is an entity in Data Risk Manager and that is mapped to applications node in Connected Assets and Risk. If Application is deleted, the corresponding Application is also deleted in Connected Assets and Risk.
BusinessProcess vertex
The BusinessProcess is an entity in Data Risk Manager and that is mapped to businessprocesses node in Connected Assets and Risk. If BusinessProcess is deleted, the corresponding BusinessProcess is also deleted in Connected Assets and Risk.
The BusinessprocessApplicationEdge is a relationship between the BusinessProcess and Application entities. This relationship or edge is available in Data Risk Manager and it is considered as businessprocessApplicationEdge in Connected Assets and Risk.
The ApplicationIpAddrEdge is a relationship between Application and IpAddrs entities. This relationship or edge is available in Data Risk Manager and it is considered as ApplicationIpAddrEdge in Connected Assets and Risk.