Creating input fields
You can create new input fields if none of the existing fields meets your requirements.
Click Add Field to create a new field. Enter the parameters as follows:
- Type of field. Determines what type of values a workflow designer or
pre-process script can provide to this field.
- Date Picker. Value must be a date.
- Date Time Picker. Value must be date and time.
- Text. Value must be text.
- Number. Value must be a number.
- Text with value string. Value must be text which a workflow designer or
pre-process script can enter or select.
In the Templates section of the Create Input Field dialog box, you can predefine lengthy text and provide a label for it for ease of use. For example, you can enter Policy 1 in the Display Value column to represent a lengthy paragraph describing the policy which you enter in the Data Value column. When a workflow designer or pre-process script selects this field and chooses Policy 1, the policy text populates the input field.
To enter a text value with string, click Add Row, enter a label in the Display Value column then enter the full text in the Data Value column. You can add rows for more text options. Click the green check mark when done.
Tip: You can use this field to have a text string represent commonly used settings, such as a SQL query. - Select. You provide a list of values, where the workflow designer or pre-process script selects one value. Click Add/Edit Values to enter the values then click the green check mark when done. In Blank Option, determine whether users can choose to not have a value (leave it blank).
- Boolean. Values can only be Yes, No, or Unknown, which the workflow designer or pre-process script selects.
- Multiselect. You provide a list of values, where the workflow designer or pre-process script selects one or more values. Click Add/Edit Values to enter the values then click the green check mark when done.
- API Access Name. Enter a name for the field so that app developers can access this field from the API. Use underscores instead of spaces.
- Tooltip. Optionally enter descriptive text or a helpful hint. This displays an information icon next to the field. Your text displays when a user hovers over the icon.
- Requirement. Enter Always to make it a required field, where the workflow designer cannot execute the function without specifying a value for the field or having the pre-process script provide the value. Select Optional if the workflow designer is not required to enter or select a value.
- Placeholder. If you enter a placeholder, this value is automatically displayed in the field to provide a hint to the workflow designer.