Creating lifecycle scripts and operations for each VNFC

This step is to map the standard lifecycle scripts of the orchestration component to the specific commands for that VDU. Wrapping each VNFC specific lifecycle script in the standard orchestration lifecycle model means that each VNFC will look the same and the Intent Engine can use these in its automated opinionated patterns.

About this task

For each of the lifecycle steps and operations (to be used in relationships) a ‘script’ needs to be created. For example if you are using the Ansible® resource driver, each lifecycle script maps to an Ansible playbook that is called the same as the lifecycle step.

The following scripts should be edited for the specific VNFC and be placed in the lifecycle folder in the VNFC:
  • Configure.yml
  • Install.yml
  • Integrity.yml
  • Start.yml
  • Stop.yml
  • Uninstall.yml

A VNFC does not need to implement all lifecycle scripts. In addition to the standard lifecycle scripts, specific operations may also be added. Operations are bespoke transitions that are invoked by the Brent resource manager when the orchestration component is establishing relationships between two VNFCs. These allow for action to take place between the VNFCs to enable a Network Service to work. Operations and their definitions are part of the public interface of a VNFC. An example is where VNFC 1 has to add itself to the IP pool table of VNFC2.


Create an operation by creating the script in the lifecycle folder where the name of the operation is the name of the script.