Navigating and customizing the IBM Cloud Pak console

Access IBM Cloud® Paks and administrative functions from the IBM Cloud Pak® console. You can also customize the IBM Cloud Pak UI to your requirements.

Navigating the IBM Cloud Pak console

To switch to another IBM Cloud Pak, click the Switch locations icon Switch locations icon, then click the IBM Cloud Pak that you require.

To switch to the Administration panel, click the Switch locations icon Switch locations icon, then click IBM Cloud Pak | Administration. Use the Administration panel to view key metrics for specific components of the IBM Cloud Paks and IBM Cloud Pak foundational services that are deployed to a cluster.

Customizing the IBM Cloud Pak console

You can customize the cards that are displayed on your home page. You can also customize the links that are displayed in the Quick navigation section. To customize the IBM Cloud Pak console, click the Settings icon Overview settings icon, then click Personalize cards or Personalize navigation.