Create new NsInstance

Use this API to create a new NsInstance.

The newly created NsInstance will be in the nsState NOT_INSTANTIATED and must be instantiated before it is used. You can use the NsInstance ID in the call to instantiate the instance and also in calls to the subscription APIs to receive notifications about NS lifecycle management operations.

The following elements of the request and responses are described in this section with examples:


Aspect Value
Endpoint URL /api/etsi/nslcm/v2/ns_instances

Request headers

Header Value
Content-Type application/json
Version 2.0.0

Request data

Parameter Type Description Required
nsdId string The ID of the descriptor that defines the NsInstance to be created. Yes
nsName string The Instance name. Yes
nsDescription string The Instance description. Yes
The name of an existing assembly descriptor.
The human readable name for the instance.

Request data example

    "nsdId": "assembly::dummy::1.0",
    "nsName": "Sample instance",
    "nsDescription": "Description of instance"

Response codes

HTTP status code Description
201 When the NsInstance is created successfully.
4xx/5xx In addition to the response codes defined in this table, any common error response codes.

Response headers

Header Description
location On success, this contains the URL for the created NsInstance resource. The value is identical to the value in _links.self.href in the response body.

Response body

The response body contains a representation of the created NsInstance resource.

             "id": "e5654759-fe53-438b-9e27-6181e04c3ba9",
             "nsInstanceName": "demo_instance",
             "nsInstanceDescription": "",
             "nsdId": "assembly::demo_descriptor::1",
             "nsState": "NOT_INSTANTIATED",
             "_links": {
                 "self": {
                     "href": "https://<ishtar_route>/api/etsi/nslcm/v2/ns_instances/e5654759-fe53-
                  "instantiate": {
                      "href": "https://<ishtar_route>/api/etsi/nslcm/v2/ns_instances/e5654759-fe53-